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Request Rules:

  • The fee is charged as soon as you make the request, but if it isn't accepted or completed, you'll get a full refund.
  • If you want a NSFW (R-18) request, and the option is greyed out, try changing language to Japanese. This doesn't seem to work on mobile.
  • If you request an R-18 work, I'll have to censor it for Pixiv, but I'll post the uncensored one everywhere else (like I just did on this post).
  • Don't DM or contact the artist on other platforms about changes or questions about your Request, keep all info inside the main request form.
  • The time for an artist to accept or decline a request is only 7 days, so expect 99% of requests to be declined because time ran out. Just one week is way too little for me to decide. Feel free to try again if that happens.
  • Don't take it personally if I don't accept your Request Idea. As I said, I'll probably be able to take just 1% of them.

Try to read the Full rules and FAQ before requesting!

Request Here 


Last month I finally closed Supporter Requests, because the backlog became way too late and long, so I was looking for some alternatives to offer. With the help from some awesome supporters, I tested out Skeb and Pixiv's Request Feature, and turns out the second one works pretty nicely.  It's like wing-it commissions of some sorts. 



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