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Young Justice 3x18

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEOgyVXPogU

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-2/

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x11

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p461AY7IJXM

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy/

Angel 3x11

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncuts-only-ea/

Fallout 1x4

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3NXTBmxqiU

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/fallout-early-access/




#SundayRundown The Vaults in Fallout typically range from 'oh? That's a bit off' to 'Oh dear lord WHY!?!' To give you an example about how bad it could get, there was a vault that was going to hold a moral experiment. When everyone was locked inside the vaults and had barely gotten settled, the AI in the vault informed everyone that someone would have to die. Either the vault would sacrifice a single person, or everyone in the vault would be slaughtered. The AI also informed the overseer would oversee this experiment. The people were overcome with horror and fear, and before the overseer could say anything, one of his guards shot him in the back of the head. Accepting the death, the AI informed the vault dwellers that every year they'd have to kill someone or everyone would die. So, in honor of the Overseer position being vacant and him being the first to die, the vault decided that every year the next overseer would be sacrificed, similar to an Aztec society. This went on for years, as political parties began to form, their election season revolving around smearing their political opponent in order to get THEM elected. Eventually, a council was formed from these parties that almost INSTANTLY became super corrupt. For years, you either sucked up to them, or they'd nominate and elect you as overseer. This sadly worked for a while, as they bullied their way into getting anything they wanted in the vault. Then, when one of the councilmen desired a married woman, the married woman promised to sleep with him if the council didn't elect her husband. Well, after doing the deed her husband was still elected and killed by the program. Enraged, the wife walked into the council room, killed the council, and then kill herself. This instantly caused a civil war as the lack of leadership had everyone scrounge to get power in order to not potentially be nominated. The vault dwellers killed each other until only 5 were left. Horrified what they'd become, they vowed to let the AI kill them, to end this vault of horrors. They all prepared to deny the AI it's wish, but upon them doing so the AI congratulated them for having a strong moral compass. It then unlocked the vault and said they could leave, and that they should hold their heads up high for being such good people. 4 of the 5 then killed themselves immediately while the last left to wander the wasteland in misery, carrying the burden of what happened. The craziest part? This while story is an optional dungeon you can stumble upon and it takes only 10 minutes to pierce together what happened. Fallout had no reason to make such a story and have it be optional! Mad lads did it anyway.


I always thought all of the last 5 killed themselves, guess I always missed that part, eh I'm playing NV now so I'll pay closer attention when I find that vault

Chaos T

I just started playing Fallout 4 and damn....Vault 111 is SO god damn'd F'f up.