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Uncut: https://thenormies.com/demon-slayer-29/

NOTE: Reaction will be posted on YouTube later today.



#sundayrundown Genya has special organs that allow him to digest demon flesh, when he does, he takes on demonic traits like his hair and eye color changing, additional strength, and regeneration abilities.


Suraj stated: "I think Tanjiro is going to become the Flame hashira because he already does Sun Breathing." I know it's been a while, but in season 1 they explicitly stated that Sun Breathing is not Flame Breathing. In season 2, it was clarified that Sun Breathing is the first breathing technique. Think of it like a family tree. All breathing techniques can be traced back to Sun Breathing. And according Rengoku's dad, Sun Breathing is the strongest breathing technique. On a similar note, it was stated in Season 1 that black nichirin sword users are rare and the users are unlikely to make it very far. This is likely because black nichirin sword users have an affinity for Sun Breathing but Sun Breathing was essentially a forgotten style until Tanjiro brought it back.