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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 7x9

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maS-EggcnGY

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-premium/

Tales of the Empire: Barriss

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEAluoBBwQ4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/tales-of-the-empire-pa/




#SundayRundown I love that Barriss is a healer in this. It calls back to the Medstar Duology in Legends where she spent a fair bit of time as a medic in a mobile army hospital treating clones. A lot of fans theorized that what radicalized her was the events of those book. If clones were too badly wounded to be conveniently saved they would be harvested for organ transplants for clones would could be saved.

rickie woodson

i have so many questions........why was the blow up doll in the trunk? and why was it prepared for use????

rickie woodson

lol i love that the thing rana was concerned about was being hygenic "she will hear you flush". my concern was her being seen or heard on her way to the rest room. but if she is quick and sneaky enough, dee could pee, dont flush and go back to the hiding the spot is what i was thinking. and i wonder why they didnt go through the back? they knew everyone was in the living room sitting down talking, i would just go in the opposite direction and hightail it out of dodge.


Is it true ?? Are rana and suraj done with Star Wars, whyyyy 😢. Also any update on Agatha all along ?


We aren't planning to react to Agatha :( But we just filmed our reaction to Penguin, which should be coming out tomorrow!


The Darth Vader Comic will give Spidey exactly what he wants for the Inquisitors. Well, alot of them.

Haru Urara

There's a nice untold joke in this episode, where Frank, Charlie, and Mac clearly couldn't agree who should wear the Indiana Jones custom, so they compromised by giving Frank the ship, Charlie the jacket, and Mac the hat. At least that seems to be the concensus among fans. Also, as a Swede, Mac's accent wasn't that bad. I've definitely heard worse.

Chaos T

Definitely heard worse Swedish accents but the way he said it was hilarious. Can't put my finger on why it's so hilarious coming from him.


Guessing bad batch next week ( ・ω・)

Cliff Douglas

Tales of the Empire? Isn't that from Lucas material? i thought Disney got rid of Lucas material. Is Disney going back to Lucas stuff? Intriguing if so.🤔