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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 34

Reaction: https://youtu.be/eJJ-t2i6iEQ?si=mPx3cSfQCwUgwnkX&t=1541

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/fmab-premium/

Yu Yu Hakusho 1x8

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PvgtyrSjS4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/yu-yu-hakusho-premium-access/




Yu Yu Hakusho #SundayRundown I'm surprised you guys didn't comment on the similarities between Hiei and Sasuke. When I started YYH, I couldn't help but notice. Both characters are introduced as complete assholes, have a special eye power(jagaan, sharingan, I mean come onnn), and they're a great foil for the main character. So it is no surprise that Sasuke is massively inspired by Hiei, in fact, if you look at Sasuke's first appearance in the manga, he looks more like Hiei than himself lol. Between this and the nine tails being named after Kurama, it's underlooked how much influence this series has had.


Merry Christmas everyone 🎄


Technically Sasuke was introduced as his first kiss if we're splitting hairs


#SundayRundown Even though Yusuke's much dumber than Ichigo, the two protags deal with a lot of their problems the same way, especially early on: "Hmm. Well, I'm gettin' my ass whooped, so I gotta' do SOMETHING. Hey, here's an option! It'll probably kill me, but, then again, it could also totally work. Anyway, strategies are for chumps. YOLO!" 😆

Aadit Doshi

#sundayRundown YYH More fun facts: Hiei was supposed to be a one off villain, but fans really liked him so Togashi brought him back. Last week we spoke about the Filipino dub, it was common back then to localize subs to thier audience, so they thought it might be better to not give the characters Japanese sounding names. So the whole cast was renamed. Yusuke became Eugene. Kuwabara became Albert. Hiei became Vincent. Kurama became Dennis (formerly Denies)


Hey fam, for some reason I can't access the premium videos? I'm trying to watch the YYH uncut but it won't let me. It says "Sorry. Could not acquire your info from Patreon. Please try again later." I erased all my cookies and everything but still no dice.

Taylor Stuckey

Looks like patreon access isn't working atm.

Winston Chau

It seem not only me get this problem, when I trying to watching the FMAB uncut but it won't let me too.