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Ask your Mom | Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War 1x7 "Born in the Dark" | Normies Group Reaction!

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Aww yeah, first


Bleach #SundayRundown SOUNDTRACK CORNER! As you've commented again on the music, I gotta give a shout out to an unsung(pun intended) hero of it in this series. Sagisu works with so many great people, one of which is Mike Wyzgowski(not to be confused with Mike Wazowski). Mike is a long time collaborator with Sagisu(30 YEARS), helping to produce the lyrics, especially for the english songs, as well as providing the vocals and instrumentals. The singer you hear after the shocking reveal is indeed him, so it's important to give him his props, the man deserves it. Sagisu has also posted him performing this track on twitter, link here; https://x.com/ShiroSAGISU_twi/status/1872346367659851939 As I've said to Suraj in the discord, Ichigo is indeed 1(ichi) person who embodies 5(go) races, and as Chris alluded to, each arc is based around an enemy with a power that Ichigo also possesses. Another person I want to give a special shout out to is the voice actor of Byakuya Kuchiki, Daniel Woren. What a beautifully sombre performance from him, he doesn't miss a beat, truly a momentous figure in the industry. I loved your reactions, this episode is filled with things we've been anticipating in the spoiler channel and this is still just a taste, remember you haven't finished the first cour yet. I look forward to your thoughts and queries when you record the next batch, will see you all there. Until then, heal your wounds and wait. Our normies, born in the dark.

Kail Andrews

#SundayRundown Bleach This episode was nothing less than perfect, and the combo of ep 6-7 is considered the peak of TYBW. The revelation of Ichigo being a Quincy actually had a lot of foreshadowing but the actual examples are spoilers for future episodes and revelations so you shouldn’t try to read about those. Also, the fight between Ichigo and Ywhach was extended, in the manga Ichigo just launches a Getsuga and then is pinned to the ground but here is a proper confrontation that even though Ichigo loses, shows how much he needs to grow to overcome this new treat. This episode really had it all in terms of emotional moments and action, and to top it off it gave us my favorite rendition of Nothing can be explained. Absolute Cinema.


This shit is so HYPE it only goes up from here!


#SundayRundown Bleach TYBW Now that the 1st Quincy invasion of TYBW has ended here are the important takeaways- All of squad 1 has been brutally annihilated along with Yamamoto through cowardice trickery. The Quincy’s main abilities involve “Blut Vene” (Blood vein) as both a healing defensive & activating offensive abilities + They have a Bankai equivalent known as “Vollständig”. The Quincy king Yhwach has noted 3/5 special threats: Ichigo-who seems to instinctively have one of these abilities being born in the dark, Kenpachi who was unfortunately clapped offscreen, and Aizen who he even asked to join him but was instead rejected and even have his senses altered a bit. They are now in the recovery & recuperation Ground Zero stage. Story and emotional impact wise this was merely the prelude to peak fiction of the highest degree as we finally get to see the OG 13 Court Guard Squads from a thousand years ago both in that film graded prologue of this episode and in the new visuals for the ED with only 1 remaining, in the Manga they were just silhouettes but here we get to actually see what they look like hinting at something greater in the future i’m just showing the parallels between Soul reapers & Quincys where they were then and how they are now + Byakuya painfully & sorrowfully breaking into tears entrusting the man who he once faced in battle with false authority to protect the soul society: ICHIGOAT! Shout out to the Storyboarder as his name is Toshiyuki Tsuru. Here is his previous work’s history: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1479700/?ref_=tt_ov_dr Rest In Power Shigekuni Genryūsai YAMA-GOAT-O. And finally, Here’s the clearest full pic of the OG Gotei 13 https://twitter.com/aninewsandfacts/status/1592937765586731008?s=61&t=ZzJC0FKvXRdd6wdR20Eftg shown in the beginning and in the ED.


Bleach TYBW Keyword Page 1 Episode 7: BORN IN THE DARK OG Gotei 13 (Original 13 Court Guard Squads) ”An organization of Soul Reapers founded by Shigekuni Genryūsai Yamamoto. When it was originally formed, it was a more brutally bloodthirsty organization than the current Gotei 13. They all hailed from different backgrounds, some of whom were even heinous criminals. Thus, the Gotei ("court guards") was in name only since they had no pride in fighting or conviction in protecting the people as they were a group of unruly killer assassins who would do and use anything to their advantage in crushing their enemies. As such, they were incredibly powerful and exceptional in combat, and in the conflict a thousand years ago, they were able to annihilate the Quincy army, forcing them to retreat.” Keyword Page 2 Episode 7 Blut Vene (Blood Armor) "Quincies can either enhance their attack or defence levels by allowing spiritual particles to flow directly into their bloodstreams. The more powerful a Quincy is, the greater a boost to their physical abilities they will experience upon activation of Blut, which can even put them on par with Soul Reapers in Bankai. There are two types of Blut - ”Blut Arterie“ which is useful for attacks and “Blut Vene” which is useful for defences respectively. They function on independent spiritual particle systems, thus it is not possible to activate both at the same time. Echt (Pure-blooded) Quincies are born with this ability, while Gemisht (mixed-blood) Quincies may attain it with practice through training."


Can u please start releasing 2 episodes a week


"Yamamoto and Chojiro are the only ones from back then" :)))))))))))) Even more peak next week. Edit to add: Also, Chris has really good instincts when it comes to Bleach lol. He might have the best tbh. The whole couch is pretty solid but, I feel like he tends to get the closest.


#SundayRundown Some of the Normies have talked about how good Bleach's OST is, maybe at some point we could get a music reaction/discussion video. You could put up a post where people suggest and upvote OST's they want to you to listen to and you could pick some and do a listen video, it probably wouldn't be able to be uploaded to Youtube, but it would be a cool patreon exclusive. Also Episodes 6+7 are still the peak of TYBW imo, when I first saw them I almost couldn't beleive how good it was after 10 years of waiting and hoping that the arc would get animated.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

Damn, they were so caught up in the sauce they missed the different outro.


#Sunday Rundown Bleach TYBW Just love Byakuya and Ichigo’s relationship man. From Byakuya destroying Ichigo’s (initial) Soul Reaper powers, to him calling Ichigo a “mere Ryoka boy”, to respecting him as a fighter, to reminding him that HE’S Karakura Town’s protector, to killing Tsukishima because “an enemy of Ichigo Kurosaki’s is an enemy of mine” despite Tsukishima’s power making it so that Tsukishima is an important person in his life too, to now, with his dying breath, essentially “knighting” Ichigo as protector of Soul Society (and therefore everything Byakuya holds dear to him). It all came essentially full circle. The way the relationship slowly develops between them across the series so subtlety is *mwah* chef’s kiss 👨‍🍳🤌🏻 beautiful. Also when Ichigo disappears right after entering Soul Society with the cool sound effect, Ichigo used Sonido (the Hollow version of Flash Step). Sonido comes with the added benefit of disguising your spiritual pressure when using it, which is why the Quincy were all like “what was that?!?!” - to them a powerful spiritual pressure randomly appeared in Soul Society and then vanished for a sec and then appeared again in a different location within Soul Society all within like 5 seconds.

Bleach Expert

Bleach #SundayRundown This is my favorite episode of this cour. It was dark, emotional, intense and exciting. 3 of the 5 special threats have already been named: Ichigo, Kenpachi, and Aizen. All for obvious reasons. In the manga, there was no fight exchange between Ichigo and Yuha. He fired a getsuga and then immediately got pinned down. Here in the anime we were treated to short but sweet fight. The OG gotei 13 is also anime exclusive as we were never introduced to them in the manga. For clarification, reminder that Quincy are humans with powers. So when Yuha said Yamamoto and his OG gotei exterminated all of them 1000 years ago, he meant just that. The fact that they're here now means they are no longer alive as humans, but revived or manifested souls. The hard fact remains there are only 2 surviving Quincy no matter what anyone else wants to believe, and that is Uryuu and Ryuuken Ishida, per Kubo interview. That's the best way I can describe it :)

Muhammad Affan

You guys didnt notice Jugram Haschwalth (The blonde hair guy with Yhwach) who sliced Ichigo Blade. He is super strong to an extreme level. He is highly underrated. Dont shit on him Rana. He was your Gojoish crush in 3rd episode.

Kage Uzumaki

I know every reactor misses it because of the the ending even tho it wasn't that deep

Kage Uzumaki

it's not a spoiler to say that ichigo is isshins son

Christian R Lewis-Batista

I don’t think that is true about the current quincies being “revived souls” I’m pretty sure they are just quincies who didn’t participate in the previous war.


#SundayRundown Bleach TYBW - To be Clear since it was brought up in this episode's end discussion Ichigo's dad isn't avoiding telling him stuff remember when he shows up during the fight with Aizen he was ready to tell him then and there. But Ichigo says to tell him later when he's ready and that he trusts his dad kept whatever he kept about his origins a secret for a reason. Also reminder The Quincy invasion came out of nowhere a huge preemptive surprise attack he could have very well going to tell one of those days but then you know shit hit the fan. Isshin Kurosaki in hindsight is one of the best anime dads in the medium given he is actively in his son and daughters lives and respects Ichigo's independence as person and only really gets involved when he has too. I could say more as to why he's a great dad but it be spoilers for later episodes. But then you have Uryuu's dad who actively refuses to tell him anything and chooses to be super cryptic on purpose lol.

victoria t

#sundayrundown you’re taking the “my son” thing too literally - remember, they call Ywbach the father of all quinicies. He’s not literally ichigo’s dad

penguin299 (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-22 19:06:24 #SundayRundown #Bleach We've met (and Ywach has named) 3 of the 5 special threats already: Kenpachi, Aizen and Ichigo. There's also a specific reason for each threat to be on the list. There are two more and you should definitely start thinking about who they might be and why.
2025-01-22 16:28:02 #SundayRundown #Bleach We've met (and Ywach has named) 3 of the 5 special threats already: Kenpachi, Aizen and Ichigo. There's also a specific reason for each threat to be on the list. There are two more and you should definitely start thinking about who they might be and why. Also the whole "son" thing isn't meant to be literal (dw it's a common mistake). Ywach considers himself to be the father of all quincies and therefore every quincy is his "son/daughter". Since Ichigo is a quincy by blood but was unaware of it and raised away from his Quincy bloodline he is Ywach's "son, born in the dark".

#SundayRundown #Bleach We've met (and Ywach has named) 3 of the 5 special threats already: Kenpachi, Aizen and Ichigo. There's also a specific reason for each threat to be on the list. There are two more and you should definitely start thinking about who they might be and why. Also the whole "son" thing isn't meant to be literal (dw it's a common mistake). Ywach considers himself to be the father of all quincies and therefore every quincy is his "son/daughter". Since Ichigo is a quincy by blood but was unaware of it and raised away from his Quincy bloodline he is Ywach's "son, born in the dark".

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

#SundayRundown #Bleach Byakuya Zanpakuto Translation. Shikai Senbonzakura = Thousand Cherry Blossoms and the release command is Scatter. Senbonzakura Kageyoshi = Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms

Life With Jorge

ive been waiting for this reaction since you guys started bleach

Daniel Gonzalez

Seriously has no-one ever heard of people calling younger folks son also how would he be his dad if hes been asleep for 1000 years people really gotta use their critical thinking skills something I was always surprised at being praised at being sorta good at but its my opinion the rest of people are just really bad at it

Bleach Expert

Per Kubo, he stated there are no remaining surviving Quincy other than Uryuu and Ryuuken Ishida. All of what you see now are souls. This is part of an interview a long time ago that for some reason nobody bothered to translate from Japanese. And this debate remains because Kubo did not clearly set the record straight about the status of the Quincy hiding within the Shatten Beraihi. Therefore it's likely these souls are either manifested or revived. But the hard fact remains there are only 2 surviving human Quincy as mentioned, Uryuu and Ryuuken. Hope that helps!


Important notice to the Normies: What you guys looked at for the Keyword pages last time are the Reddit translations that are good enough only if you’re familiar with Bleach and know some Japanese terms, which can be found here https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/s/UxZnV2HnPY and for all of them here https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1MGpnz4qnR3f6O67btKmoVPEIO5XQEhry8Xb6zG41fuk/mobilebasic?pli=1 they’re just about to be complete but they’re not my own. While they somewhat influenced me to take it upon myself and do my own, mine are more comprehensive as easily to understand for all, not to mention I’m taking it a step further by implementing them onto the Keyword Pages themselves. https://docs.google.com/document/d/12Jdeyz3AEL8WpBBmIEnJm9tBSL_lApoBZiqvL7nXX94/edit Been working on this since mid November but it’s not easy. So if you want something more accurate, just read my own on here from now on. I’ll share my google doc again when it’s actually done.

Adan Guzman

#SundayRundown - Bleach You see, Aizen used Kyoka Suigetsu to make Yhwach think his name is pronounced as “Your Watch,” which made him look at a wristwatch he thought he had but was just an illusion and that’s how Yhwach lost track of time. Joking aside, it’s crazy that Aizen can put you under Kyoka Suigetsu just by being in his presence and how he can even affect someone’s perception of time which I’m sure is separate from the 5 senses.


Information on soul cycle: Souls with weak spirit energy - recycled - implied by the balance of souls concept. Souls with moderate spirit energy below captain class - get dispersed into spirit particles/reishi and return to soul society. - mentioned by Kaien during Rukia's flashback when she was fighting espada 9. Souls with captain class spirit energy, usually lieutenant and above, have a different process explained in the new Bleach one shot. Basically the concept Kubo is going with is based on the reishi density. The more dense the reishi of a soul(higher spirit energy therefore stronger spirit pressure) the more difficult it is for it to get reincarnated. Kinda similar to the hindu concept of samsara. When a soul reaches pure enlightenment they are released from samsara, therefore stop being reincarnated. I guess you could say souls achieving lieutenant and above ranks are enlightened.

Jackie Gibson

Rest in peace Yamamoto, may you join the ranks of badass old men in anime that die for the younger generation. 🫡


#SundayRundown - it's not a spoiler to say that ichigo is indeed isshins son, Yhwach is being metaphorical when he says my son. Also we have already met (and Ywach has named) 3 of the 5 special threats already: Kenpachi, Aizen and Ichigo.

Ultimate Waifu

Of course you have to watch the original series first! All the reveal’s in this arc would have zero weight without it!!

sam cameron

#sundayrundown how did you guys not notice unohana in the flashback she literally cut someone in half


back when reading the manga of this arc i pronounced his name as "why-back" cause it was easier for me

Mugen Shiratori

For Rana: The OST is a remixed version of "Nothing can be Explained". The lyrics you heard are: "Given the chance I would happily dance on the grave of the ones you showed no remorse."

Lord Madara

Don't worry Rana is only trying to hide that she has a crush on Jugram by insulting him.

Ahan Shankwalkar

#sunday rundown bleach. they already called ichigo and aizen special treats in previous episodes, so those are two of the five.

Ichigoat (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-22 19:06:24 #SUNDAYRUNDOWN BLEACH PEAK PEAK PEAK I hope y'all eventually do an Ost video for Bleach reacting to them, a tier list etc I think that would be fun The main point behind Yhwach's speech towards Yama is to express how different the Shinigami or Gotei 13 was back then. Yama wasn't just a Monster when times called for it he was a product of the time period. Peace changed Yama, and better yet it changed the Gotei. They are much less ruthless and have far more morals than they previously held. (This understanding is important because it plays into why Yhwach is doing what he is doing, the Gotei has a long history and we know how bad they can be even in current times) In ch. 387 (or during the battle between Komamura and Tosen in the anime) we get a quick Kubo Volume Poem which is about Yamamoto, it goes: "Do not live bowing down. Die standing up." This was a setup for what Kubo would do much later in the TYBW arc Not sure if y'all caught it, but Ichigo subconsciously used Sonido an arrancar technique when he went to Byakuya, difference is Sonido doesn't exert reiatsu when used, that's why everybody was like "what was that" because his reiatsu vanished for a second Back when Aizen was talking to Ichigo, he was about to tell him why he was watching him since birth, but then Isshin intentionally cut him off, this is why. (Also why Yhwach says "Enemy?" as if he doesn't view Ichigo in that way) - If you go to the very first episode of Bleach, you'll notice that Ichigo's bed sheet is a blue Cross, pretty cool foreshadowing so early on Ichigo not being able to help during the attack is another directly set concept, we know that his biggest trauma was his inability to protect him mother, that's why he's always so focused on protecting his loved ones, and here he relieves that feeling...complete helplessness, and fittingly enough his mother's saves him again just like when he was a kid (Tho this time it's through her blood)
2025-01-22 18:21:59


The 5 special war potentials of the wandenreich: 1. Ichigo Kurosaki 2. ??? 3. Souske Aizen 4. ??? 5. TBD (though i have my theories)


YWACH said in Ep4 that Kenpachi was considered a special threat as well, so it's no spoiler.

rick santos

I don't know how ahead you guys are in episodes but the "son" thing is not meant to be taken literally. Yhwach is the "father" of all quincies afterall


#SundayRundown Just for Surja’s question about aging since I’ve tried doing my own research on it there’s not exact science to it in manga or anime so no spoilers Kubo pretty much aged people how it suited him because it’s inconsistent all around for example Unohana was in the original Gotei 13 flashback but you guys missed her they intentionally zoomed in on her but she had a very different hairstyle which we be explained later 👀 so she’s at least a over thousand years old here, her and Yamamoto are similar in age him being a bit older I believe but she’s barley age in a millennia while’s he’s now an old man or dead old man at least RIP 🪦💀😭 One more example is Byakuya was a child when Uraharaoruchi was still a soul reaper he then aged to adulthood got married and all and she’s still exactly the same age & Byakuya is confirmed to be around 200 years old so #Confusion there is a fan theory that’s it’s linked to mental age so the older you feel mentally or the more you mature they faster you age but obviously not confirmed


Only people with spiritual pressure age so it's probably tied to their respective spiritual pressure


thats not a spoile he is the father of all quincies


Something no one seems to mention in the comments is that if you look back to the OG Bleach you can see a lot of circumstances that indicate how Ichigo is a Quincy. For example, during Ichigo's fight with Kenpachi we can see that Ichigo used Blut Vene to stop his blood from flowing. Now it makes even more sense how Ichigo was even able to beat Kenpachi in the first place. But we'll get even more explanations regarding this moving forward. Furthermore, Ichigo also absorbed a Cero from Menos Grande to fire a Getsugatensho back at the Menos. Not to mention, Ichigo's Getsugatensho was also explained to absorb his spiritual pressure and channel it through his blade to release it. And guess what? Who absorbs reishi to fight? Quincies!


awesome reaction guys! You should really rewatch the ending credits for episode 7, it had information on the original gotei 13


Chris I'm sorry but I'm gonna need you to stop thinking about how aging works in the soul society lmao it's one of the only things that isn't really consistent in the world. People complain about it a lot


Ohh thx I’ll add that to my comment didn’t catch that

Alex M

#SundayRundown #Bleach “My son…. Born in the dark” OMG!! PEAK! That ability that Ichigo just got “Blut Vene” is a quincy ability. It is essentially a shield that protects quincies from physical harm. In case you were wondering how Yhwach’s underling Jugram was able to snap Ichigo’s sword with low difficulty, it’s because it was already pretty damaged from Ichigo slamming it against Quilge’s jail. Regarding how aging works in soul society, it’s still a little bit of a mystery, but from what the fandom has gathered throughout the years it seems that most people do not age as they are simply spirits. Only those with high enough spiritual pressure age, feel hunger, etc. (Everybody seems to age very slowly, for example Rukia and Toshiro look 15 years old ish but in reality they are more than a hundred years old)

Smash Bran'Discootch

Remember, Yamamoto and all of the other soul reapers were killed by **Quincies**. Quincies destroy souls. So it doesn't matter if reincarnation is a thing or not; Yamamoto and everyone killed by a quincy won't be reborn. At least according to the rules that have been established by Kubo within the manga.


We really went through the whole Fullbringer arc for Ichigo to get his zanpakuto back just for it to break at the beginning of the next arc

Jose Peralta

One small detail y’all might’ve miss is that in the beginning scene with the og 13 captains, that was anime only. Also in that sequence they hold the camera on a certain woman for a little bit longer than usual, y’all should know who that is y’all have met her before. The ones left from the og lineup are Yamamoto, sasakibe, and the woman captain 👀.


#SundayRundown #Bleach Since returning to work on Bleach as an anime, Kubo designed the original Gotei Thirteen and there is a coloured art, i recommend looking them up. Names and Division of the first generation and they are considered the strongest generation in all of Shinigami history. Squad 1 - Yamamoto Genryusai Squad 2 - Chika Shihoin (ancestor of Yoruichi) Squas 3 - Kinroku Izuhara Squad 4 - Chigiri Shijima Squad 5 - Danjiro Obana Squad 6 - Furōfushi Saito (She seems to be one of the most popular and Tite Kubo, illustrated and designed an outfit for her to model for the French brand Maison Margiela) Squad 7 - Nobutsuna Shigyo Squad 8 - Batsu'unsai Katori Squad 9 - Entetsu Kumoi Squad 10 - Furuoki Ōtogawa Squad 11 - "Unohana" (the current Captain of Squad 4) Squad 12 - Uhin Zenjōji Squad 13 - Saizō Sakahone Also, another tidbit of information. When Ichigo arrived in Soul Society, he performed Sonido, not flash step. This is a Hollow equivalent, hence why his Spiritual pressure blip and vanish when he moved to Byakuya and the sound effect was different Shinigami has Flash Step, Hollows (Visord/Arrancar) has Sonido, Fullbringers has Bringers Light and Quincy has Hirenkyaku (Good luck pronoucing that!) Also a Shinigami with hollow powers is called a Visord and Hollow with Shinigami powers is called Arrancar. Also a Fullbringer is a Human with Hollow Powers.


Yall rell excited in the comment section, spoilers plastered all over, could have just contained your excitement for like 2 more weeks. It is/ was not meant to be very obvious to new viewers. Jeez


Shounen heads love spoiling their own series to people, I will never understand it


Oh yeah…idk bout anyone else here but even after the next 33 episodes, this is probably the single best Ep of TYBW so far. At least for me. Never fully realized it until now. Especially cause of this https://x.com/jass1000001/status/1768623550146150493?s=61&t=1VigzxkX26iJZItobY59WA Btw here’s the new remixed version of the theme “Nothing can be Explained” https://youtu.be/9QNqJp8XfEM?si=uAG9L2zLX-SsXlXo and lyric are as follows- “Lost on the way, no one to blame, no one to save Nothing to do with the way everything's changed Lost I feel a little like, a child who's lost, a little like Everything's changed a lot, I didn't like all of the pain Lost, confused, a lot of it, is hard to take, and cause of it Everything's changed I thought I'd make it through the pain Everything's changed…… Given the chance I would happily dance on the grave of the one Who shows no remorse Lost I feel a little like, a child who's lost, a little like Everything's changed a lot, I didn't like all of the pain Everything's changed I'm confused, a lot of it, is hard to take, and cause of it Everything's changed I thought I'd make it through the pain Everything's changed Nothing is plain Nothing can be explained, Nothing can be explained, nothing explaine Nothing is plain Nothing can be explained, Nothing can be explained, nothing explained Given the chance I would happily dance on the grave of the one Who shows no remorse Given the chance I would happily dance on the grave of the one Who shows no remorse Lost on the way, no one to blame, no one to save Nothing to do with the way everything's changed Lost on the way, no one to blame, no one to save Nothing to do with the way everything's changed”


They’ve already watched the next few episodes, so it’s fine.


#SundayRundown This is purely coincidental, but I choose to believe Kubo is just that goated. There is a scene in the very first episode of Bleach where Ichigo is laying on his bed and his bed sheets are blue with a white cross.


Peak Foreshadowing https://x.com/jass1000001/status/1768623550146150493?s=61&t=1VigzxkX26iJZItobY59WA


Bleach #SundayRundown On the conversation of TYBW or no Bleach at all, I would personally tell someone to at least try out the manga first if they want to jump in to TYBW. You can get through it much quicker and the art goes crazy (and no need to check filler charts). Even if they don't want to stick with it at first I think Kubo set up Ichigo's personality well in the first few chapters for an episode like today.

Daniel Holko

#Bleach #SundayRundown I'm just going to post a warning here for the Normies for Sunday Rundown. Don't read any of the comments for Bleach this week, people literally spoiling shit left right and centre to make themselves seem smart. For all you people that leave comments discussing future plot developments, just don't. Let them figure out things on their own. Unless it's something confusing or unclear just let them watch the damn show. Yes, you read the manga/watched the anime. No, that doesn't make you special. Also people love to invent their own head canon here and present it as gospel. It's frustrating to watch because you literally read a comment on Sunday Rundown last week about Aizen seemingly having "no Zanpakuto" but it's blatantly false. If that were true, he couldn't have impacted Yhwach's sense of time now could he?


That's for people watching on YouTube weeks from now, not in real-time/ Patreon viewers

Daniel Holko

Kubo had very little to do with the original anime. If you weren't peddling blatantly inflammatory Twitter links trying to incite a fandom then maybe you would do some research first.


Very little to do is still good enough, and enlighten me on what exactly do you mean by “peddling blatant inflammatory Twitter links trying to incite a fandom” give an example or two. Also, you have no idea the level of extensive research I do on this series and just with everything that I talk about in general before even daring to speak on it. So speak for yourself.

Daniel Holko

First image of your link is posting rage bait by saying "this is why Bleach foreshadowing is better than One Piece". That enough for you? Ah yes, pardon me. Sorry for hurting your feelings. I'm sure you do extensive research that's why your sources are random twitter links posted by someone that presents some mystical foreshadowing. Kubo has over the years stated that he had next to NO involvement with the anime until TYBW. The "Quincy" bedsheets appear in the first episode of the series and the first arc is notorious for ignoring Kubo's work and doing its own thing (Orihime's chracter etc.). Now you're saying this is the thing he decided to include? He just left them a post-it note saying please make his bed cross-themed? Why wasn't this in the manga? You know, the thing Kubo actually created where he could foreshadow things there to his heart's content? Bleach fans really are desperate to prove that their series is some gigabrain 4d chess IQ show made by the god himself. Like I said in a discussion I had here with someone previously, it's ok sometimes to admit not everything was foreshadowed. Kubo worked on a hellish schedule, weekly shonen manga is a tough job. Ofc he didn't have everything figured out beforehand. Backshadowing is a real concept and in my opinion is where most of Bleach's mythical "foreshadowing" lies.


That’s merely his opinion, which wasn’t the focus of what I was sharing. That was just him proving his point, which while I don’t entirely agree with, I also don’t really disagree. I would say both series are on par. Now aside from that, Twitter links is not all that I post to prove my point, which even if I did it there’s nothing wrong with it as long as they show evidence, which that post in fact did. The answer to your questions is simply time constraints, as there’s only so much he can include in the manga, and clearly he more than likely told the anime team, to include that subtle detail in the anime, but obviously didn’t stick with it and took their own liberties. It doesn’t take any desperation to prove Bleach’s foreshadowing is on another level compared to most, if not all, and it’s not about it being “gigabrain 4D chess IQ show made by God himself” just that it’s far more multilayered, abstract and deeper than most ppl give it credit for. Obviously, I don’t believe he had everything planned out as foreshadowed, and there was probably some backshadowing, but best believe that’s rarely the case.


#sunday rundown we are getting closer and closer in Bleach to the start of my Gooning Arc you have been warn

Ultimate Waifu

I don’t think Quincies have a choice about whether their power’s disrupt the balance or not! I think their power’s are just naturally designed to eradicate soul’s! And when hollow’s come after them on account of their strong spiritual power’s they would have no choice but to fight, wouldn’t they?!


#Sundayrundown Would like to see the couch guess who the five special threats are!


#SundayRundown My personal favorite episode of the entire run of TYBW and your reactions did not disappoint! Love all the theory’s you are coming up with and can’t wait until you see the epitome of Kubo’s genious of writing a beautiful love story without trying to.


I’ve heard someone call Yhwach just Greg and I think that’s hilarious

Tristan Harley

# SUNDAY RUNDOWN Non-Spoiler Details - When Ichigo is sensing everyones 'flames' disappear, that is Pesquisa, the hollow version of sensing others spiritual energies. We've seen it used before by Grimmjow, Nnoitora and Ulqiorra. - When Ichigo flies over the Sereitei, he disappears and the Quincies get confused by it: (Bambi says "What was that!?"). This is because Ichigo moved using Sonido, the hollow version of fast movement. Shinigami use Shunpo, and Quincies use Heirenkyaku. It's a minor difference, but Quincies have a harder time following Sonido. - Way back when Ichigo fought Zaraki, he got stabbed in the chest. But then he gets back up again with the bleeding stopped. That was Blut Vene. - In several episodes and manga chapters, Ichigo's bedsheets have the pattern of a Quincy Cross, the pattern Uryu is always stitching on to things (Like Kon's head and Chad's shirt).


#SUNDAYRUNDOWN BLEACH (Accidentally Deleted my previous comment) The main point of understanding behind Yhwach's speech towards Yama is to express how different the Shinigami or Gotei 13 was back then. Yama wasn't just a Monster when times called for it he was a product of the time period. Peace changed Yama, and better yet it changed the Gotei. They are much less ruthless and have far more morals than they previously held. (This understanding is important because it plays into why Yhwach is doing what he is doing, the Gotei has a long history and we know how bad they can be even in current times) In ch. 387 (Komamura vs Tosen in the anime) there's a Kubo Volume Poem which is about Yamamoto "Do not live bowing down. Die standing up." This was a foreshadowing for what Kubo would do in TYBW Ichigo's spiritual energy disappearing when he moved is meant to express that he used the Arrancar movement technique called Sonido. Sonido doesn't exert rieatsu when used. He also used Pesquisa to see the souls before breaking out Back when Aizen was talking to Ichigo, he was about to tell him why he was watching him since birth, but then Isshin intentionally cut him off, this is why. (Also why Yhwach says "Enemy?" as if he doesn't view Ichigo in that way) - If you go to the very first episode of Bleach, you'll notice that Ichigo's bed sheet is a blue Cross, pretty cool foreshadowing so early on. Ichigo not being able to help during the attack is another directly set concept, we know that his biggest trauma was his inability to protect him mother, that's why he's always so focused on protecting his loved ones, and here he relieves that feeling...complete helplessness, and fittingly enough his mother's saves him again just like when he was a kid (Tho this time it's through her blood) Def hope ya'll do a OST reaction/ Tier list video for Bleach, and read the manga since you'll catch more of the nuances and foreshadowings the og anime glossed over

Annah Suarez-Domit

#Sunday Rundown Woof. What an episode, truly so much happened that it can be hard to wrap your head around it. Obviously the most important thing that you're thinking about is Shaz Domino and what his deal was. (Breaking the joke he's the person that Ichigo dusted when he first got back to the Soul Society before fighting Yhwach) The thing about him is that Shaz Domino is something that does need to be discussed. You see every single Sternritter does have letter associated with them...and every letter from A-Z was taken and Shaz Domino was not included. That's right Tite Kubo accidentally created an extra 27th Sternritter and he basically had an entire short story written, not CFYOW this time, called Beginning of the Revive of Tomorrow to explain why he exists. I can't give the whole plot because it genuinely spoils stuff for the future but I can tell you his 'letter' is Ϛ or 'stigma'. Also about the Ichigo having Quincy powers, I'm sure others have brought this up but his mom, Masaki, being a Quincy was actually one of the longest most prevalent fan theories out there. Back in the day before the TYBW arc in the manga the biggest piece of evidence I really looked at was that Ichigo's Bankai was the opposite of most Soul Reapers. Instead of projecting greater power out it condensed it all into a single weapon, just like how the Quincy form their bows.

Blank Brain

I mean being the Captain of the Healing Division probably could say some Tsunade esqe reasoning for that lack of aging as well

Muhammad Affan

Yeah it makes no sense to just watch TYBW. I chose to watch an anime like that and i wasnt able to grasp what was going on lol


There actually is quite a lot of foreshadowing and nuanced writing in fact before starting Bleach I believe he stated he already knew of TYBW. People commonly tend to use the argument of "Bleach isn't complex" which isn't an argument and does not refute the fact Bleach has layers, nuances, symbolism, thematic depth and foreshadowing. This is the reason Kubo himself states, "you need to re read Bleach and use some deduction to piece together the story or you'll never fully understand it"


Yes. That's why the first words out of my mouth were, "this is purely coincidental"


Dope to see little Shunsui in the flashback with Yamamoto. Byakuya definitely got me emotional. Ichigo vs Ywach felt like a movie that was top tier and Ichigo rage was giving me Gon vibes. 'Nothing can be explained' ost vocal version at the end of the episode, chefs kiss. Peak Bleach....This episode gave me chills

Kingu Crimson

Hey Normies glad your enjoying TYBW so far. Also seeing as how your almost done with the first cour (eps 1-13) you should be able to finally watch the opening on episode 12 or 13.


There it is. Ichigo is part human, part soul reaper, part hollow, and part quincy. It's easier to just say he's part deus ex machina. lol It's such BS writing. After over 300+ episodes/chapters, now another critical fact about Ichigo is conveniently revealed. Also, I see they missed out on a critical captain in the original Gotei 13 flashback. People went nuts when they saw that captain in the manga. I think an OVA of the original Gotei 13 would have been nice. The writing for this episode is a 7/10, but the studio elevated the source material to a 10/10, again. Every episode feels like you're watching a movie. I think everyone can agree the OST is really good, but it's also one of the biggest reason why each episode feels like cinema. I really wish this studio could go back and redo Naruto's Ninja War Arc in a similar style.

Gremmy Thoumeaux

#SundayRundown:Bleach Who would’ve imagined Aizen of all people would save the Soul Society by wasting Yhwach’s time?

Daniel Holko

Cool, they decided to skip this comment and read the spoilers anyway...

Alex M

How is it BS writing when in like the first 20 chapters of the manga you see Ichigo having Quincy crosses on his bedsheets?


I'm not sure what to say if you think him having crosses on his bedsheets nearly 500 chapters ago is a good counter argument. If anything, it only strengthens my argument about this aspect of the show being poorly written. All these information dumps, near death experiences, seemingly all-knowing characters, yet Ichigo being a Quincy some how wasn't revealed or relevant until now?Lol It's clear as day an example of deus ex machina. It's also not the first time it's been done in Bleach nor is it the last time.


Can we please get rid of these cancerous Anime fans? Ginzo is a clearly Naruto and OP fan, she needs to ban these trolls


Please ban this retard...... Normies..... PLZ


nothing this idiot makes sense, can we please ban this idiot?


Bro its obvious you've never watched anime.... plz leave everyone hates you here.


Why are you so retarded? Bro we have youre address, say something stupid again.


You say I'm the troll, yet you're the one hurling out insults without providing a counter argument for an opinion you vehemently disagree with. The irony.