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Bear with us as we ALL decide what to do next...

  • Silo 287
  • Barry 540
  • Shogun 946
  • Interview with a Vampire 330
  • Bridgerton 268
  • 2025-01-24
  • —2025-02-01
  • 2371 votes
{'title': 'Bear with us as we ALL decide what to do next... ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Silo', 'votes': 287}, {'text': 'Barry', 'votes': 540}, {'text': 'Shogun', 'votes': 946}, {'text': 'Interview with a Vampire ', 'votes': 330}, {'text': 'Bridgerton ', 'votes': 268}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 2, 1, 4, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 24, 20, 32, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 2371}


It is your chance to shine again! What should replace our Bear reactions?? Vote below, you have until next Friyay!

(You can vote for multiple options and you can also change your vote until this poll closes)



Clearly Barry or Shogun.


silo and shogun


I don’t even know 4 out of those 5 options ☠️

Infinite Ree

this list will be the death of me


Shogun but I’m hurt by another L for Interview With A Vampire

Smash Bran'Discootch

There are two correct answers here. All the other ones are meh.


Barry and Shogun are both great. Shogun is shorter through.

Erik D

I'm fine with Barry or Shogun but it's crazy how barely anyone has done Silo for how good of a show it is.


Deadwood! =) One day more reactors will consider my favorite show lol But yeah, these are all good choices, they should react to all of these eventually. But Shogun is the best show of the year IMO (with The Penguin in a close 2nd) so that should definitely be first up.

Eric Smith

Deadwood is educational, I discovered creative ways to swear that I never knew existed.

Bob Loblaw

Barry for sure


No one is doing Silo yet, such opportunity!

Mawahib Ali

yall vote for Bridgerton

Bryce Nielsen

Barry is so good, however Shogun is rather short and also great, so that's a great option as well if you don't want to get locked into something with multiple seasons. Silo just got a season 2 and could be a really fun reaction/discussion show. Lots to theorize in that one.

Che Arnold

we love a sweep

Erik D

It's been renewed for a full run of 4 seasons, so I guess the smart thing would be to time it so they can catch up just in time for the 4th and final season. The downside is that many channels will do that.

Chaos T

Shogun is too strong not to vote for it.


If Barry doesn't win man ! Come on it's definitely up there for the normies to watch

Big Time Knights

Shogun is great but Barry would make for a better reaction.


Barry please! 🙏

Dc Jerome

We need barry ‼️‼️‼️


silo is so underrated

Chris K.

Shogun is obviously a masterpiece but as a reaction idk. IWTV is so underrated! Halloween 2025 please 😭

Catherine Thurmond

While yes Shogun is a great show I voted for Interview with the Vampire because it's an amazing show that gets overlooked so much. If I could I'd vote for it with all 5 of my voting total points.


Please interview with a vampire you all would love it

Sou saetern

I thought IWAV would have a better shot. Silo is my 2nd choice


Why yall setting up Barry like this😂 Pretty sure most of yall have already seen shogun anyways


Shogun hands down


How the hell is Barry not winning? Shogun is great but Barry is so underrated.


Barry is a fantastic show. Definitely an easy show to jump after Bear


Can we please get a list on whos joining what reaction before I vote. I’m pretty sure the important people already seen shogon, and we’re going to be left with the B team.

Michaela Evans

Bridgerton or Interview with a Vampire for me 😃


Barry is amazing from the first episode to the last and extremely well suited for reactions!



Lotta Eskelinen


Chris Skalicky

I watched both Silo and Severance over the past few weeks for the first time and if you want another show of "what is going on?!" type mystery then I highly recommend Silo. It's so good!


Bear and Interview

Storm King

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE VOTE BARRY!!!!!! For anyone that has not seen it so they are voting for something else they like, PLEASE just trust us and watch it for the first time with them.

Zariah Sams


Zannah Walsh


Bob Loblaw

I still haven't seen Shogun so I guess I should before making any real statements but Barry is a phenomenal show I think you would love it

kristin smith

SILO please!! love this show and read the book and i was obsessed with the story!

Thee Chronicle

Keep the APPLE TV run going. Severance, SILO and FOUNDATION are high quality great reaction shows.

Thee Chronicle

You need to go back to picking your own shows sometimes. That's why we got Severance. Silo and foundation are more cult followings like severance.


Shogun supremacy please 🙏

Camille Watrigant

Urgh, so hard to choose ! I just started Silo so I won't vote for it since I'm still discovering what the show is about, I didn't watch Barry, and I still have to watch Interview With a Vampire S2. but I watched all Bridgerton and Shogun and both are amazing for different reasons. Now, Bridgerton is my guilty pleasure and I would love for them to watch it, but will it please every Normies?

Carson Cardarella

Watch Six Feet Under eventually ❤️


everyone is sleeping on silo



Paul Stanley

Shogun is the best show on the list! Let's do this!


Yall sleeping on Barry omg

Johnny Blue

All of these are bangers, but I always feel bad for Barry fans getting shafted every time. lol Hyped for Shogun though

Fred Rechid

As someone who watched and loved Shogun, I don’t think it comes close to Barry’s entertainment level.

Johnny Blue

Apple TV+ has quality after quality. They're like early days of HBO.


I’m still voting for it but Shogun will be wasted on this group with them not paying full attention to the show

sammy the B

aw man, Barry would be SO good


Silo is so underrated

Cliff Douglas

No to all of these. Don't fall for the trap. You guys will be faking interest. And it won't be your fault. Everybody does.


Kinda surprised that Silo ranks so low. I voted for Shogun but Silo is probably the most "hyped" out of these choices though none of these choices are particularly interesting to me so I will watch it regardless to find out...


?? Are you saying that none of these shows are good? I don't even want Shogun to win but you're being delusional.


Being a Barry fan is suffering. Always in the polls but never a bride.


I'm tired of watching Shogun😂 100% excellent show though


Interview with the vampire is short 16 episodes 2 season, I would start with that then bridgerton.

Zariah Sams


Baris Ince

Ooff, I would sit through all of Barry so easily with you lot!


what you expect people rather watch a show that's mainstream when Barry is underrated.




Ooh this is tough. Barry, SILO, and Interview are all fantastic, it's hard to choose between them.


If you haven't seen it, YaBoyRoshi has an amazing reaction to Barry.


I voted for Shogun, and Silo a lot of good shows in this poll.


I know it’s a long shot, but Interview deserves this so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Shogun is guaranteed to make it on the channel sooner or later. Interview is the dark horse that’ll surprise and enthrall anyone on the couch 👌💯

Queef Burglar

The other shows are good, but Barry is better for a reaction channel standpoint. It's like Ted Lasso, a comedy with very deep dark themes.

Dale D. Ellis

IKR? The Silo is sooooo good nd season 2 dripped recently, I've been after them to watch this & SEE for 3 years now but it seems they're gonna let Shogun jump the line I guess *sigh* we'll get them to watch is someday buddy 😅

Dale D. Ellis

You ain't lying bruh, just finished watching season 2 earlier this week it was crazy!

Dale D. Ellis

WATCH THE SILO PLZ, ITS SO GOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙏🏿😭🙏🏿

Dale D. Ellis

Bruh you ain't lying, that show is ridiculously well written! 😤😤😤😤😤😤


Barry isn’t number 1??


Shogun or Barry are excellent choices

Gage Eakins

I absolutely agree. I still need to watch Shogun and it is going to win this poll but I hope at some point they do Interview with a vampire because it is very good and very different than other shows they usually do.


Oh...I thought there was talk about putting Alice in Borderland on the poll to replace the Bear :") looks like it isn't T-T

Ebony Egw1103

Shogun or put Alice in Borderland up, SweetTooth, SOMETHING!!!!! lol

Infinite tsukuyomi (he him)

I watched the trailer for each show and based on their trailers, Shogun looks the most interesting. I’ve watched Silo and while I like the concept, I find the show rather uninspiring.


i just rejoined your patreon after being gone for awhile and omg how is barry still in the running???? maybe one day it will make it. interview would slap as well.


Shogun is definitely the best show on TV in years. You do need to pay attention to everything and see how it plays out.

Michael Acuna

I haven't seen any of these, so what's highly recommended for story?


Shogun is phenomenal

Kyle Turman

Shogun, and eventually, please watch Jojos Bizarre Adventure

Fede GG

While Shogun is one of the best shows in recent years, recency bias definitely applies to many people. It is one of my favorite novels and it was along with Robotech that sparked my interest in Japanese culture. I hope "Interview with a Vampire" appears again on other polls.

Marckelijah L.

Interview with a vampire and shogun are GOATED

The thing that flows

Roshi finished barry a few months ago and they said it's one of the best shows they've ever watched.

Taylor Childs

Alice in Borderland please!!