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Guess what? Cozy 4 started The Legend of Korra this weekend and it will be on Patreon starting next week. We want to build up some edited reactions, so we don't repeat Avatar mistakes. We will be doing another Fullmetal Alchemist binge this Tuesday, so Chris won't be playing Twitch that day. We are refining our schedule for January, so stay tuned for updates :)



Kellie Seay

Oh my god I can’t believe you guys finally get to see the finale (though I know you’ve already seen it and are just now posting it) the day after my birthday! I hadn’t noticed until now, this is going to be the best week ever! :)))


Watched the finale last night, followed by your reaction video. I'm starting Korra today, can't wait!


Korra is the $10 one right. I might have to go back up

Cinthia Fernandez

What?! You’re doing Korra already? I’m so happy! I almost cancelled my Patreon 😅 I’m def staying 🙌🏽 I can’t wait to see your reaction!

Jules Eris

Guess I'll be staying $10 patron lol Korra here we goooo


Yay! I'm so excited that your watching Korra! It looks like I'll be pledging once again


that's why we love you guys 😊 Wednesdays are gonna be the best!


RANA PLAYS LAST OF US!! I am about as much emotional as her, so I'm looking forward to that :D Too bad I'm probably not gonna be able to watch it, my laptop has problems playing videos...


Avatar fans are backkkk

Edwin Wickey

I'm so excited! I love Korra!


Do you think its possible for you guys to do the two episodes a week format again?


Just keep in mind it's a different show than avatar and you'll really enjoy it :))

German M

Noooo! Please take some time before jumping in. You won't like it as much in my opinion.

Walter Carreno

You guys were 6 avatar episodes ahead on patreon from YouTube. Will it be the same thing or will they get it right away as well?


They didn't put Korra under the youtube slot, so I think we are getting it first.


I disagree, I think the most important thing for them to do is to watch it one episode per week. It's already been well over a month since they finished avatar. I think that's enough time to rinse off.

Kanan Jarrus

Just prepared in Korra for the world to be much different


Glad you guys are continuing with Community! Looking forward to Korra, and I binge watched FMA:B last week. It’s sooo amazing to the point where I felt empty inside after I finished it. Haven’t loved an animated show as much as FMAB since Avatar. Can’t wait for all these reactions!


bruh. korra? im so happy

Koala Banana

Well I'm happy to see Korra, now I have two shows to look forward to from the Normies. However, when Avatar fans start watching Korra it's always bittersweet for me. Just because LoK is so massively disappointing. They totally ruin the lore with retcons and bad writing in LoK. I don't even want to think about it because it makes me angry. My great love for ATLA makes much of LoK unacceptable and unwatchable to me. Kind of like the live-action film.


idk what I'm gonna do with myself when they finish korra


I am so freaking excited for both this week and next week. I love Avatar and I love Korra. Looking forward to your reacts. You guys are awesome. Glad I became a Patron.

Ben Wenger

One thing to pay attention to in Korra: the STUNNING CHOREOGRAPHY. Even when the show has low points, the choreography is always top-notch. They really upped their game a lot from ATLA -- and ATLA even had good choreography.


Korra is great. Imagine if Avatar Aang wasn't perfect and wise from the first episode and instead got character development over 4 seasons. That's Korra and makes for more interesting television. Korra reminds me way more of Zuko.


I'm thinking of becoming a patreon (but I'm also a student so I'm cheap af lol) how much do I have to pay to watch the Korra reaction if you don't mind me asking :) is it 1$,5$,10$ a month?


Can we please get 2 episodes a week? $10 is too much for 1.

Lalisa Truong

Them doing both LOK and FMAB is literally heaven lol. The same with BW as well xD


Youre just asking to be let down


Will there be a FMA today? :o

Cristal C

Fingers crossed FMAB comes out later tonight >.


*OPM & FMA *Thursdays