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It's the Goodfellas Mafia Movie episode! One of my favorites so far!! Enjoy early access community made possible by your gracious support!


Community - 1x21 Contemporary American Poultry - Group Reaction

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to react to a show about a parody of a mafia movie. Join the Normies as we react and laugh to another classic Community episode! This one is Season 1 Episode 21 - Contemporary American Poultry! Enjoy our reactions and review! Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup/ Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies twitch.tv/thenormiestv snapchat - thenormies reddit.com/r/thenormies


Drew M


Feyd-akin Skywalker

I knew Suraj would love this one. Let's see how many of the movie homages he gets in Modern Warfare


It would be cool if you guys posted the next episode today/tomorrow like you did last week :D

Reggie Pace

Modern Warfare is a classic! Can't wait!

Feyd-akin Skywalker

The piano outtro from Layla over the scenes of them "learning a lesson" was brilliant, but what was even cooler, though a lot more subtle, was the fact that they took camera cues from Goodfellas, including using a lot of long single takes

Asadullah Khan

One of my favorite season 1 episodes. Loved the Goodfellas-Mafia movie style. Was just like Suraj when I first watched this episode. Can't wait for you guys to reach Modern Warfare.

Deviant Parker

Abed is the main protagonist of the entire series.