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Happy Friday Normies!

We noticed that our live streams usually occur at specific times which makes it difficult for our international normies to participate. So to play it fair and make our perks more available to wider range of our patrons, we decided to ask you guys! 

What would be an ideal time for you to be able to hang out with us live? We do three different live streams once a month (Hang out, Live show/game, Book club). Right now we are specifically asking for your availability on Sundays because that is when we meet up and record Hang outs and Live shows/games.

Thanks for participating in the poll!!!

PS feel free to suggest other days and times that may work for you!



Most of your audience is probably in the US but any livestream that is after 6pm is midnight or later in Europe :/

LadyVenom Way

Early so UK fans can be there!

Abel Beja

Being in Australia, I'm 13 hours ahead. Sundays are tough to make cause it'll be Monday mornings for me and have work. I can make the early Sunday session as it wouldn't be too late. Alternatively, a Saturday stream would be great cause then it would be Sunday for us and not interfere with work.


Morning EST US would be good for Australia

LadyVenom Way

Yes I always say Saturday would be better but a Sunday Afternoon work awesome for Europe peeps too