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We close out Season 1 of Community! I'm really glad we decided to watch this show. Thanks for suggesting and pushing for it! We're looking forward to starting Season 2 soon!


125 CommunityNormies


Alex Johnson

So happy you guys decided to watch this show. It is so good and hopefully your videos will get more people to check out the show. #AndAMovie

Asadullah Khan

So glad this community made you get into Community. :D Great reaction, looking forward to season 2. Lots of great episodes.


Suraj gave me a heart attack at 27:03. I want medical costs covered, the bill came out to be 5 more seasons (and a movie) of Community reactions


Btw, I've watched the show so many times and it's amazing how there's always new stuff to discover. I never got the "Pierce wanted a butler", and Chang v Duncan was probably a reference to Lost (I'll find a loophole and I'll kill you; they were also dressed in white and black)


Thanks for posting the rest of season 1 together. I'm looking forward to your reactions to season 2!

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

Hey $1,000 Patreon here, I hope y'all Lost or Atlanta makes it, but I also want to throw in My Hero Academia (English Dub). This is coming from a guy that's never been to big into anime except for DBZ and Zoids. Watch a few episodes I definitely know the Cozy 4 would be into it. It'll have you saying "This is not a kids show!" Hope y'all check it out...oh and when I say "$1,000 Patreon" I mean like 99 month from now!

Jonathan Azares

I am so enjoying reliving all the Jeff and Annie, Jeff and Britta moments through your reactions. It’s such a great show and can’t wait for more! Six seasons and a movie!