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Frank has a secret admirer


The Punisher - 1x2 Two Dead Men - Group Reaction



And then there were two....


haha just this week. Suraj has already seen the series so he decided to sit out. This season will have Me, Chris, and White Pat reacting to it with Suraj deciding to sit in whenever.

Frankie H

The old Homeland Security agent is played by C. Thomas Howell, who's been acting since he was a kid in the 1980's. He was Ponyboy Curtis in The Outsiders. He was also one of the kids in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

n p

Schoonover was killed at the end of Daredevil S2. He was the Colonel that was a witness in Frank's trial that lost his arm in combat, and was secretly the main villain in the Punisher storyline... played by Clancy Brown.


The two left don't look happy in the thumbnail