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It's the BEASTS OF DUBLITH on Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood today! This concludes Normies animated Wednesday hope you enjoyed the early access vids today!





hold on to your butts gang.


The 2003 series starts doing its own thing at this point. So next week should be the start of new territory for everyone on that couch.

Alex Johnson

At this point, FMA 2003 started to diverge from the original story. So from here on out, pretty much everything that happens will be different from the original anime. Now all 4 of you will be going in completely blind.

Nathan Brost

Greed is quite the character "wink"


In terms of Al going by himself, in the manga Ed had to run back to Central to do his annual assessment (the thing Shao Tucker transmuted his daughter for) so he wasn't around when it all started happening. They changed it in BH for some reason, even though it doesn't make sense why Al would go by himself if Ed was there.

Lalisa Truong

What I found really upsetting about this episode was the FACT that chimeras already existed ...So what Shou Tucker did to Nina and Alexander was really unnecessary.

Rafael Benedicto

The name of their country is "Amestris"


Ed gave up his arm for Al! It’s going to be symbolic in future episodes.


😂😂😂 the dub is so dumb. What are these lines and and voice acting. At least they make me laugh out loud. So bad lol.

Lalisa Truong

Really? As someone who usually prefers subs over dubs, I found FMAB's dub to be pretty superb.

John Victor Oak

FMAB is usually reffered to when people want to point out an example of a great dub, but your comment also helps us learn something: if someone is biased you can offer them pure gold and they'll call it shit.


The only negative thing about the dub for me is Ed's screaming. But imo the dub is better than the sub. There you go, opinions


Then why are you still watching 12 episodes in? And if the answer is because you can look past it in order to watch these reactions, then why are you still complaining this many episodes in? Should I expect to see you still complaining on episode 64?

Kwame Rogers

I really hope you guys continue to react to this show. I started re-watching because of you guys and this show puts you on an emotional rollercoaster! So Good!