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Hey yall!  A little early today with the upload but regardless I hope all of you enjoy our reaction to cascade! What was your favorite scene this episode? - Nahid


The Expanse 2x10



vikings early access?


Can we expect Vikings EA today?


I swear its all luck and the coincidental planning. We stop airing Season 2 of The Expanse April 10th thats when episode 13 goes on youtube. The next day Season 3 starts. Expect the S3e01 reaction on the 12th. - Nahid


Awesome job guys. Just wondering though, will there be any more full reactions of The Expanse?

Zachery Gaskins

This episode pointed out the economic realities of what could happen as 1) technology continues to improve, 2) population continues to skyrocket and 3) automation obsolesces more and more types of labor. It will require us to rethink the nature of nations, humanity, and the value of labor. The Expanse's UN is so advanced that it literally cannot provide enough jobs to everyone so they develop "Basic Assistance", which is worldwide welfare for those who don't qualify for skilled positions. It speaks to what might happen if we continue to assume capitalism alone will solve all our problems. Mars is the other end of the extreme, where everyone HAS to pull their own weight because it's a much more hardscrabble existence. They have better tech but not the size-of-economy that Earth does. That's why they fight so hard for their terraforming dream (and why they resent Earth for delaying that plan by trying to steal their progress to line their own pockets - eerily similar to America's independence struggles). Mars bought its independence 130 years ago by giving away the plans for the Epstein Drive. Wonder if that was still a good price for their sovereignty.

Tony Camas

See, we were all trying to figure out what was holding up Season 3. First they said March, then they said maybe June... Then, all of a sudden, this announcement. Now we know why - they were obviously trying to coordinate with The Normies' react schedule. Glad you guys are getting it done!

Patrick Balot

Just wanted to say that there's Cascada, known for "Everytime We Touch" and then there's Kaskade, a singular DJ who is also a part of/collaborated with Late Night Alumni, known for my favorite "Empty Streets". Carry on.


"All those people will have to return to earth now." I don't think it works like that. Anyone not born and raised on earth would have a hard time going to the planet, Belters especially. Spending any significant amount of time in earth's gravity would be a death sentence for them.