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FMAB is back in the Anime Vault today with Episode 17! Cold Flame! Mustang did WHAT?!


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 1x17 Reaction


Heru Muharrar

Looks like there are some video problems with the show feed.

Feyd-akin Skywalker

The Barry the chopper who Mustang has under his control is a soul bonded to empty armor. The reveal at the end of this episode is that his body is still intact, without a soul, and the homunculi are controlling it. I really wish you were reacting to the 2003 anime too/first, it really delves into its story more and explains things better, whereas FMAB almost expects you to have seen the original anime or read the manga. FMAB moves its plot and character development at breakneck speed because it has so much to cover, yet I feel like there were still some slow episodes. I love both FMA and FMAB, especially for their differences, but I'll always like FMA a bit better, even if FMAB has some of my favorite characters, who don't even appear in FMA.


His first name is King. His title is Führer. So it's Führer King Bradley.

Taliesin Martos

Exactly this. Even though Brotherhood is the author's original intent it's just all too rushed in a lot of parts where the steady pace of FMA would've done well. Both are great, but the Brotherhood ending is a little better imo

Sou saetern

I'm loving your reactions to this. Marketa got so mad and Navi was thinking it through, great combo

Rafael Benedicto

Everytime Lust speaks I try to control my boner.

Bryce Nielsen

Mustang is a power-hungry son of a bitch that's for sure.