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Normally we wait until all episodes are aired on YouTube but since we're close to the end of Book 1 we will just drop the uncuts list for it right here. Enjoy! :D Let us know if any of the links are broken.

1x1 - https://youtu.be/KU9Gn3eHT98

1x2 - https://youtu.be/vNrmT70ODas

1x3 - https://youtu.be/v9GG4SUvCFo

1x4 - https://youtu.be/E5JQE9WnvOc

1x5 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vmyHHnN3gM

1x6 - https://youtu.be/1VRuZ3BuwHQ

1x7 - https://youtu.be/tktQch36nes

1x8 - https://youtu.be/Rv-54P5EX4Y

1x9 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWkxixyZFIw

1x10 - https://youtu.be/_LSYPz2BGdw

1x11 - https://youtu.be/5k5hi94yklY

1x12 - https://youtu.be/pd6Gb1rlDoI



Barky McFluffybutt

Does anyone else curate these episodes into YouTube playlists (private of course)?


Hey when's the first episode of Gravity Falls being uploaded? The schedule said Thursday?

Tiang Maphosa

Yayy, gonna binge these today! I'm currently re-watching season 3 and OMFG it's better than I remember. Has some of the strongest moments in both the ATLA and TLOK especially the villains. Cannot wait for you guys to get there.


Ikr why upload a schedule when they don't stick to it, I get if they're busy but then don't mislead people

Kamau Catching

Bruh. The guys have your flaws but your the best reaction channel lol. I havent finished Korra (no spoilers) because I wanted to end my avatar experience with reactors...glad i choose you guys even tho I had to stop watching blind wave lol


Now Season 2... 😡


Gran contenido!!!


why are you cutting out so much of the video like a didn't make $10 to actually see less than half of the show.