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Hey everyone! Lost will be posted for early access on Thursdays from this point onward! Hope you enjoy this Sayid episode and Nikki's reactions! Enjoy! :D 


Lost 1x9 Reaction


Heru Muharrar

Glad to hear lost is making the move. Always felt like it should be Thursday. PS is Agents of SHIELD still scheduled for today?


Guys wanted to know when the uncut version of lost episodes would be uploaded

Joe Mags

Nikki's hate for Sawyer is great! lol


Sorry Normies, after just 9 episodes Nikki is already the best reactor in the whole group.

LadyVenom Way

Nikkis Sawyer hate is getting so old. Give it a rest girl!

Champion Bescos

As someone that watched Lost in high school when it was first coming out, I was far more empathetic and understanding of the character’s flaws and moral complexities than Nikki seems to be even without knowing how amazing those characters would prove to be. Yeah, opinions are opinions, but I suppose I expected the normies and crew to be a little more open minded, especially with fictional characters. That being said, Nikki’s reactions have mostly been great and I’m glad she’s into the show. Just hope she is able to adapt to liking the likes of Jin and Sawyer, otherwise this is going to be a long show for her.