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Cobra Kai 1x9

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhVzUhBjZNk

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/cobra-kai-early/ (pg. 1)

Castlevania: Nocturne 8

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ6izxUmcWs

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/castlevania/ (pg. 5)



Roy Adan

Happy New Year to all the Normies!!!!

The Greater-Scope Villain

Happy New Year, Normies! I'm glad you guys are all enjoying Erzsebet Báthory (aka. Sekhmet) as a main villain as much as I am. It's always cool when villains who talk big are able to back up all of their talk, and then some. At this point, Erzsebet Báthory is the most powerful being shown in the entire Castlevania animated franchise so far, even Dracula and Death itself don't measure up to the power of the Goddess of War. I look forward to seeing what chaos she brings to the world in future seasons. With Tera and an army of both Night Creatures and vampires unrestrained by the sun under her command, Erzsebet/Sekhmet is poised to properly launch her conquest of the world and her destruction of Ra and all the other gods.


Movie Recommendation The Normies should watch Son of Batman

Chaos T

I like Hawk's character but stealing Miyagi's Congressional Medal of Honor is a borderline irredeemable decision by him. He's still a high school student but even at that age he should have known how low that was. Hawk's lucky his character exists in a live action anime. Stealing the Congressional Medal of Honor is a federal offense and IRL the FBI would have been knocking at his door. The Medal of Honor is the only medal US veterans can receive that has a lot of benefits attached to it; including more retirement money, an extra pension for the recipient and their spouse, and qualified children of recipients getting automatic entrance into US military academies. Due to the prestige and benefits associated with the MoH, the US federal government DOES NOT mess around with the theft of the medal.