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Hello Hello - 

Happy Sunday! Navi here. We wanted to post this movie straight to Youtube yesterday but it took longer to edit. It will be on Youtube here shortly but wanted to post the uncut here first. Enjoy!

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/uncutmovies/




i literally gagged at that bathtub scene I knew it was coming cause i got spoiled but it still got me ugh

Josh T

Seeing this instead of the Tarantino/Miyazaki movie I was hoping for was like a jumpscare SMH. Can y'all clear up misconceptions about the movie schedule cause the announcement from August makes it seem like these movies would follow the Kung Fu Panda series (which finished in October) but that hasn't been the case by any means. At first I thought maybe y'all were navigating holidays and PTO to give us a full couch but this shows otherwise. Any kind of update would be nice!!

Dusty Glover

I had no clue what this movie was going to be and I was eating when it happened and had to look away. I have no problem watching even the goriest stuff while eating but that was just too much. This movie was wild.

rickie woodson

that thumbnail encapsulates everyone's personality so well. chris is like "wow lol cant believe i just saw that" ketty is like "yes yes. that is a thing" surj "i want my mommy" rana just needs a hug and a hospital, spidey is like "but why? also, ewww" and navi is "shocked but also intrigued. how did your mind even come up with that"


Some killer songs (literally) in this movie. 'Murder on the dance floor' and 'Time to pretend'.

rickie woodson

couldnt wait for the reaction. saw it last week. LOVED IT. though it needs to be more gay. and my homies at moviebitches (check out their youtube review of it and more) agree. "the whole time i just wanted them to FUCK"-avaryl of moviebitches, 2024 lol. other than that, the third act does drag after he leaves saltburn so i cant give it a 10/10 but its damn near perfection. so my type of film. well when it comes to "realistic" dramas. give me gay, camp, crazy, artistry, eccentric characters, witty dialogue and great acting


I wish I had seen this before I started watching it a couple hour ago. I don't think I'll ever rewatch it, the edited reaction will be enough for me lmao.


This movie is trying so hard to be shocking but doesn't really have anything to say. The twist at the end was so lame and obvious.

rickie woodson

you guys never had/heard of period sex??????????????? thought thats how you got a baby

rickie woodson

the spit is the lube. duh. chris needs to join the DARK side........lube is too european for me

rickie woodson

and there it is! my favorite line from the film. "pamela is dead. she would do anything for attention"

rickie woodson

its like ollie is the minotaur from the story of the labyrinth and ariadne

rickie woodson

that statue is so not satan at all lol its the minotaur from the greek tale of perseus. even if it was satan, you're not christian so why are you so afraid surj lol sigh

rickie woodson

you are right surj. barry's bod is FINE. a piece of art.

rickie woodson

"how did the butler not see it coming" cause he's not this sherlock you made him out to be. he is just a butler, so your assumptions of him knowing what ollie was up there was just your interpretation of his mannerisms, not facts

rickie woodson

the dirt fucking was for himself. he was madly, desperately in love with felix, to an obsessive level. he wanted to consume every bit of him. they just needed a good one time in the maze, could have solved all of this.........maybe. he is so off he would probably want to be with him forever but hey, i ship it. he could have gotten saltburn via marriage

rickie woodson

great reaction guys! you did not disappoint! thanks for staying the whole time even though you wanted to run away lol


How was Slatburn??


The Deathly Hallows came out the summer of 2007. I got it for my birthday that July so it makes sense they were all reading it during summer break. Also, all of the discourse around this movie is interesting to me. I think that this is just a fun movie to watch. Sometimes its okay that movies aren't giving some deep analysis or social commentary. The need to have everything be so smart and/or cerebral is a little silly and I think its why so many people don't enjoy things anymore. Sometimes movies are just stories about people that are made to look beautiful and have great soundtracks and be fun to watch and talk about with our friends. Some things are just entertainment. This happens to be entertainment that has a lot of aesthetic appeal. I also think that the twist isn't really a twist in the way people think it was intended. I kind of figured Ollie was the villain from a few minutes into the film. I don't think the film was trying to be shocking, so much as its just a romp lol And that's totally fine. I had a great time seeing this in the theatre. The entire theater was audibly gagged lmao it was a good time.


Im sorry. The bathtub scene was hot, Fight me idc