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Young Justice 3x10

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBgTLQG-Qyc

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ (pg. 7)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x3

Reaction: https://youtu.be/dpk6MaJwG9M

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 12)

Angel 3x1

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncut-only/ (pg. 5)



Joe Traupman

#sundayrundown Now that you know Fred is officially a part of the show, I can't wait for you guys to see her character arc. One of my favorites in the entire buffyverse. Also, everyone's reaction to Darla at the end was priceless!!

David NJ

Buffy 6x7 and 6x9 should be full couch episodes if you haven’t seen them yet.

Chris K.

no Darla and Angel were full vamp when they fooked... and if she had been human, Dru or her illness would have killed the fetus with her. But vampires can definitely NOT have kids, so wth?

Swedish Malin

(Angel) "The B word", Cordy's "We try not to say her name too much", etc. was a fun way for Team Angel to be meta and allude to Buffy and the fact that the shows were on different networks by that point. ;)

Shirlene Wright

Angel: As for Darla being knocked up, the Buffyverse is always talking about prophecy this and mystical that. So far we have witnessed some wild things. Anything can happen.


#SundayRundown Angel S3 had me hooked even more than Buffy S6. Loved your reaction to seeing Darla pregnant and discussion on the rules of vampire babies. Any predictions on what you think will happen?

Tony O

Angel S3 is amazing! Julie Benz kills it as Darla this season! Meanwhile Buffy S6.. is frustrating.

rickie woodson

cant wait til next week. episode 4 is where season 6 of buffy begins earnestly.

rickie woodson

"she cant off herself" says who? no one in the show has set any rules about how heavenly dimensions work. if she earned getting into heaven because of all the good she has done, then in my mind, it really doesnt matter HOW she dies. long as the soul is free of the body she will go to her destined reward


#sundayrundown. I’ve never thought Buffy wanted to die. Season 1-4 was very much about Buffy learning to be the slayer. S5 was more about her humanity, and ultimately those two parts of her co existing. Wanting to die and accepting death are two different things, and I think they get conflated. No where in S5 did Buffy say she didn’t want to live. She was ready to give up slaying if she lost Dawn, she was exhausted and burnt out, but nowhere in that conversation was it about her death. In the book incident in Buffy’s mind, it was her anguish at momentarily being relieved if Dawn died, because she could move on with her life. The S5 finale to me, was her finally accepting both her slayer duty and her humanity. It’s more than life and death. Her inner peace came from accepting her death - her gift, and the happiness in ‘heaven’ is not specifically about no longer being alive, but her purpose being complete. Her distress at being back is she had reached that end point and now that journey is obsolete and harsh reality of having to do it all again, knowing that peace. Considering they wrote her death as the end of the series, then them finding they have to script her feelings towards it all must have been daunting, so props to the writers. Just my rambling, not very well put together, take.

rickie woodson

so that dude wasnt plastic man but metamorpho. plastic man is a mostly "normal" looking human dude in a red outfit and is just a shapeshifter. metaphorpho can control his atomic makeup, letting him become solid, liquid or gas.

Calvin Allen

Too bad so many of you gave up on Angel. Season 3 is where it really comes into its own

Randy Neal

#SundayRundown I know the 3 x 1 episode of Angel gets talked about a lot because of the reveal of Darla at the end, but the part that always gets me is seeing just how bad Cordelia's visions have gotten and the price she is paying for having them. She is in a lot of pain and seems to be on a lot of drugs and pain killers. It also appears that Dennis is the only one that knows just what she is really going through. I hope Elmo checks up on her someday.


Angel has sex with Darla at the end of 2x15 she was full on vampire hiding out at Lindsay's place. Darla was turned by Drusilla in 2x10. Somehow weird supernatural shirt happens and Darla is magic pregnant. And according to the DNA test....... Angel you are the father

Esther Boogie

Oh man, just reading this summary makes me cringe at the plotty plots of the Angel show. No hate to the fans, just sayin.

Sharrod Wolf

Y’all just watched an episode where they explained that Batman leaving the league was a plan to use the lights tactics against them lol. Y’all memories shouldn’t be this bad as a collective

The Answer

#Sundayrundown (BTVS) This question is for Marketa and Rana. You judged Buffy dating Angel because of age however in AOS Daisy Johnson dated Agent Sousa you both loved the idea, why the double standard? If I remember correctly Suraj was the one who didn't like it. then