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Reaction: https://youtu.be/jAlyC0FxYwk

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/avatar-the-last-airbender/ (pg. 1)


no way they played *that* song | Avatar the Last Airbender (Netflix) 1x4 "Into the Dark" | Reaction!

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Already ep 4🐐🐐

J. J.

Mikey nailed it in the post discussion.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

I have been defending this adaptation and will continue to defend this adaptation because I genuinely do not believe it's as bad as a bunch of cry babies on the internet are making it seem, but I can also admit it's flaws, and I will say episodes 4 and 5 are by far the weakest episodes of the adaptation. In episode 4 there were 3 main story points, 1) Aang and Bumi, 2) Sokka and Katara, and 3) Zuko and Iroh and only ONE of those story arcs was enjoyable, and that being Zuko and Iroh obviously. I didn't care for this characterization of Bumi, while I understand what they were going for, it wasn't executed well in my opinion. Sokka and Katara as well to me wasn't done well either, I love focusing on the siblings and their relationship, I feel the cartoon didn't do that not nearly enough, and their fight is a fight that has been building since episode 1 but their fight as well as their makeup fell flat for me due to lack of sibling chemistry. Also no disrespect to the actress but she is the weakest actor in the show and most of her scenes just didn't hit for me. While on the opposite side Zuko and Iroh's scenes hit all the emotional beats it needed to, even from the Earth Nation guy, as well as having an incredible fight scene with Dallas being just the standout when it comes to action. I'll save my criticisms of episode 5 when you guys drop that one.

rickie woodson

based on the discussion the real hot take is: bumi was the best part of this episode. such a great performance! Utkarsh Ambukar SLAYED! p.s. watch "world's best". great indian american musical family film starring him!

rickie woodson

what made avatar great TO YOU mickey. the comedy isnt why i watch or love the show. its the cultures, the powers, the characters, the fantasy/world and this depiction of a world war. "what if germany did a better job at world war 2" is the what if of this world to me and all of that is super fantasy. as far as will they go back to omashu. well in season 2 we see omashu after they conquered it so the show can go back there and show what happened to bumi for us but ang and the gang dont need to go but i also dont see why they CANT ever go back to omashu. yes they can write in he meets toph first instead of going "oh i need to go ask bumi to train me in earth bending" or they could not. we dont know what they will keep or change. we just have to wait and see

rickie woodson

before never have i ever, Utkarsh was in the mindy project as her brother and in pitch perfect as part of the treblemakers

rickie woodson

mikey likes to dump on things so no way he would ever not compare it lol

rickie woodson

and those things are coming and you will still compare. if people compared korra to last airbender, dont think they wont compare a yangchen show to last airbender either. i did it with ever xmen show and though they cant compare to the animated series (like it cant compare to the comis) i learned to appreciate and more importantly ENJOY xmen evolution, wolverine and the xmen (still hate that name) and xmen anime for what they are and instead of hating them for what they are not.


I don't understand the people who say not to compare the two...this is a live-action based on the cartoon ofc ppl are gonna compare. also just because someone is criticizing the writing of characters, it doesn't mean they want it to be exactly like the cartoon lmaooo


I think Chris said it best, they should have started with an easier task like korra or even kyoshi. I knew this was going downhill as soon as the creators left the project, they took the heart and soul with them. Now it just feels slightly better than the movie and the movie was already fighting an uphill battle with its run time and having to rush 400 min into 90 min.


So I wanted to have Aang in the cave with Katara but I dont really think the story is missing anything by changing it up. Personally I feel like fans have overrated the quality of Kataang development in the OG show, especially up to Cave of 2 lovers. We knew pretty early on that Aang was in love but there really wasnt any development in that area until the fortuneteller episode. Problem is nothing regarding Kataang development in the fortuneteller episode was ever referenced for the rest of the show. Aang made her a necklace, never seen or referenced again. Katara’s fortune never visibly changed her inpression of Aang outside that episode. Same thing with cave of 2 lovers. They kiss only because they were trapped and feeling helpless, and once again its never referenced again, Katara literally runs away before it can be addressed. Nothing between them is significant or affects the main plot until mid book 2 in the serpents pass

Philip Simmonds

You guys should react to Shogun. It is like Vikings and Game of Thrones, except the historical parallels are more fact-based and the cinematography is very much representative of Feudal Japan.

Doc Anime!

People keep assuming that the reason the original creators left the show was bc Netflix wanted to change stuff, when that's actually the opposite. PLUS MIKEY the original creators wrote the first 3-5 episodes before they left so anyone thinking that Netflix botched this adpatation then you're wrong. Most of these changes were intended and they made sense imo. Some ppl are just crying bc they didn't get exactly what they want.

Doc Anime!

The original creators themselves have said in MANY interviews that they don't like doing the same thing twice that's one of the reason for the changes besides the episode count. Which is also why LOK was so different form ATLA (Chris's ideas about them doin Korra would've actually worked in their favor.)

Doc Anime!

The creators left because they couldn't change more of the story. smh Netflix was trying to keep it the same as much as they could.

J. J.

This season is carried by Zuko and Iroh, it's like Mikey said the Aang and Katara stuff feels like they're just checking things off a list and trying to dialogue their development. Katara's actress is definitely by far the weakest.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

I actually disagree with 95% of what Mickey says because I feel like he is criticizing every single little minor detail and being nitpicky because it’s not like the Cartoon, but when it comes to the Trios story plots I do agree that something felt off and that Zuko and Iroh carried.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Do you by any chance have links to some of those interviews? I would love to read them and use them for references.

Doc Anime!

not to the interviews, but here's one report talking about the "creative differences" they had behind the scenes. IDK if its true, but one of the rumors I heard was that they wanted to give Zuko and Katara a sex scene smfh https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/1aj90dy/netflix_insider_reports_on_why_the_creators_left/


Ngl this is the one time i wish you guys were more critical of a show 😂


This a Netflix project and the original creators were asked to partake in as executive producers and showrunners and promised creative freedom. The reason they left was due to that promise not being fulfilled and a negative and unsupportive environment from the studio and left in 2020. In light of this Nickelodeon gave the creators their own studio called "Avatar Studios" in 2021 and now any and all Avatar content will come from there in the future. So if Netflix wanted to do a spinoff of some sort that was Kyoshi or anyone else from the world of Avatar they cannot and can only work on the LA.


dude, it's only natural to compare it to the original

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Thanks, I hope that sex scene rumor is just a rumor as that would be horrible considering Katara is only 14 and Zuko 16.


I wish they weren’t we are having expectations more than glad we got something actually well invested in🙏


So excited for next ep😱🔥


People will always have their own critiques but personally I have been enjoying this adaptation so far! Some cheesy stuff but overall very entertaining

J. J.

he was terrible unless you have 2 brain cells