Past, Present, and Future (Patreon)
I know I've been away for a good long while. Needless to say, I had a lot of bad shit going on in my life and it became nearly insurmountable. But I'm not here to make excuses or even really delve into my own personal bullshit. (If people are really, really interested, they can dm me or something and I'll see how I feel about opening up old wounds. No guarantees.) What I am here to do is twofold. First, I'd like to apologize for my absence, to the handful of you that hung around, as well as any people who showed up in the interim while I was mentally and emotionally incapable of dealing with any of this. I've always said I plan on continuing Exiles, even if it takes a very long time, because the story has come to mean a lot to me. Far beyond its original debut as a pretty thin parody of existing tales. That hasn't changed.
But, words are cheap. I don't expect you to believe me just because I'm saying it. With that being said, for those of you who follow my social media (primarily,, and, as well as my discord where I'm generally the most active) probably noticed I've been posting a lot lately. That's because I've been working on something for the past few months now. What started as a simple little short 100+ or so render mini chapter that was supposed to rejuvenate interest in the game (both my own and players) has, well, become much, much larger than initially anticipated. It's no longer mini in any way. Which really shouldn't have been surprising I guess since everything I do always seems to balloon massively into some untenable, unending nightmare that takes me forever to complete.
So, I just thought I'd attach a few of the teaser images, and let you guys know, that it will be out very soon. And not the usual "Tim.E.Pants" brand of "soon." Like, soon, soon. Sooner than you'd expect. So keep an eye on this page for the very near future. And, if you're still here, thanks for sticking around. I'll try to work my way through my backlog of my (assuredly angry) dms. I'll also be dropping a nsfw preview soon too but that'll have to be behind a paywall post because of Patreon rules about nsfw posts, so it'll just be behind the $1 and most of the images can be found on my socials for free anyway if you want to take a look.