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Hey everybody. I've been pretty busy irl so that's why the update's been slow going. Its not coming out in December, so that's bound to be disappointing for you guys. I still need a few weeks of solid work to get it up to standards. That being said, I'm now left with a few options and I wanted you guys to vote on it since your opinions are important to me.

Option 1: Continue working on the update and release it as soon as it's done next month, continue charging for January since it'll be released that month.

Option 2: Pause pledges for January so nobody gets charged, then restart pledges and release in February regardless of if I finish it midway through January. (This is largely because I've put like 6 months of work into the update and if I release it during a no charge month it's like I've worked those 6 months for essentially no money whatsoever. This is largely a labor of love but it still helps me pay some of my bills, so it's not really feasible for me to make no profit off it at all.  Again nobody will be charged for January at all in this option and charges will resume in February.


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