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Hey everybody, as I had mentioned before I'll be dividing chapters up into smaller sections so I can release more frequently. For instance, a chapter might be broken into 3 or 4 updates.

With that in mind, it simply won't be feasible to have sex scenes for every single main love interest in every single update (though they'll still get scenes in each chapter). I want to give you guys some say in which love interests get their sex scenes out first so I figure the method will be something like: I have 2 or 3 sex scenes planned for an update already. I will then make a character poll for you guys to decide which of the main love interests are going to get a scene first outside of the sex scenes I have already planned. The winner of that poll will then be removed from the next poll and so on and so forth until the entire chapter is complete.

Remember the first voting tier is Servant, and the subsequent tiers all get their votes counted more (Warrior x2, Sultan x3, Exile x4) in addition to their other benefits.

I'll drop the poll at some point in the next week or two.


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