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So I've been kicking around a few ideas for a Halloween chapter that wouldn't necessarily really move the primary plot forward (mainly the characters sitting around telling ghost stories) but would include the option of weird or non-canonical scenarios/fantasies. It wouldn't be a total non-plot chapter either as it would still inform the main plot in regard to things like character details/revelations.

It would also let me put in some things that couldn't necessarily happen in the main plot. Does this idea sound interesting to you guys? It would include the return of a certain vest obsessed gang leader amongst other dearly departed cast members.

(note that it may not necessarily release exactly around halloween either, knowing my work schedule lol)



Halloween means Zombie bread and posessed vests, right? 😄

Junaluska Hall

It seems that the story would be better to progress. All developers must work in their own style and speed but if you're working on a side story that does not progress the main game, then the game suffers. Last update I received was in May, so going on six months for one update, although not unheard of, would show signs of being neglected. Even if not being charged for monthly updates, it makes the game harder to recall as being one of the most entertaining ones out now. Like the game very much, would even like to support more but can't see that as it is now. Whichever you decide, good luck.