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And Kai's back. I debated how to present this scene. In case it's not clear, Kai's spells are completely undone and everyone went back to normal. However, that doesn't mean there aren't any consequences...




Eepy Kai is so cute :)


What if there was one person who went to school and then went on vacation

Adith Shinu

Hooray but yikes for the foreshadowing


oh man kelly is gone already I hope we her again soon with even more tg content still a great picture


I actually thought of doing something like that, but it broke the flow of the story too much. I might add that in the future. We'll just say at least one person left and didn't transform back to normal.


I'm going to predict it's probably Bailey aka. Brad. Bailey did say she was going to the mall, and if the mall is out of the bubble dome then maybe the effects on Bailey still remain or it could be Kai's mother. Those 2 are most likely the top choices.