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A bit of backstory of wizards.

This conversation will end with the next update. (Rather abruptly...)



Adith Shinu

So wait Abigail used magic to change reality so she can have Kai. Does that mean Abigail created Kai through magic or did she have a husband? Also, how does abandoning one in another reality works? Did Abigail erased Scarlet’s memory? Also, was Scarlet a boy before?


Why do I get the feeling there’s more to that story than what she saying


Abigail changed reality to make herself more motherly. She does have a husband. It means Abigail changed Scarlet's reality so she was no longer an orphan attached to her adopted brother or Abigail (yes, she tried to erase her memory, but it didn't work as well as she thought). She was a girl (but it doesn't matter too much).