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And another jump. New characters again. The guy is the boss of the wizards.



Adith Shinu

Hey Xtra will Brandon be able to change back to normal? Also, what’s the relationship between the boss wizard and Abigail?

Rat matt

Y did the witch of origin turn into a man?


Wasn’t to make sure she wouldn’t be able to realize who she was or at least making hard for Kai or other friendly witches from finding her?


Anyone getting a feeling that the binkified wizards will get loose and basically end the whole organization in due time? Kinda like a zombie apocalypse scenario.


That's part of it. The magic transformed her into the type of person to fit the spell. In this case, into a prisoner, which is 90% male. Having the witches be prisoners makes them easier to control.


I wouldn't be too worried about Brandon. Spoilers for the other part.


...or so they think. There's a reason why the Witch of Origins has lived as long as she has; and, no other witch - or wizard - will ever truly stop her, or do anything to her and especially her son (or alternatively, her daughter).


I can’t help but think of that image of IShowSpeed smiling with his eyes closed with the last image lol