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In this episode, B-$ and the O'Conman are joined by the Birdman Aaron Burdette to listen to the album "That's Not Funny, That's Sick" from 1977. If you want to hear the full album without us talking over it, it's available on Spotify and Apple Music. Enjoy!




"What color was he?" Was Richard Belzer's character making fun of the caller for using an outdated racist term when he should have just said black.

Maxwell Schott

Here's another Beastie Boys connection, the "you should sleep late" bit gets used at the end of this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMT1GK44bZY . They reference comedy records a few times, since they spent a lot of time digging for records they probably ended up with a lot of dumb shit too. They would be a good guest, I bet.


damn i knew i recognised that from something.

Kalle Kitzler

I guess it’s just me but Sean O’Connor has the most fabulous speaking affectations I’ve ever heard. He’s like a IRL Jack Tors.