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  • Episode_265_WRP_Crank_C... - audiogram.mp4
  • Episode_265_WRP_Crank_C... - audiogram.mp4



This is Volume 1 of the collected crank calls from The World Record Podcast. Stay tuned for more! Happy New Year!



Eric Medina

Get Ryan Singer on both podcasts...

Maxwell Schott

What I’m gonna need you to do is listen to this ten times then write down the word “Banana Butt” on a piece of paper and show it to a customer l.

P Money

What a nice Christmas gift! An “improv” cumpilation would be cool too. I could assist in tracking down some highlights


If you assholes send me a document or database with episodes and timecode for improvs and songs i’ll clip them and toss them in a project like a goddamn professional


That Karate one was fucking killing me. You gotta put this on youtube, and break up some of the smaller ones for tiktok too so I can share it.

Ghost Pubes 3D

This shit is gold condensed. Clip the calls from every episode for YouTube and popularity will grow. Do it on a second YouTube. Its what all big YouTube’s do Hell, I’ll do it if you want. I moonlight as a disturbing music video producer so I know the tools very well.

Ghost Pubes 3D

I will help you in anyway that is needed to make isolated videos. I think every prank should have its own video. That’s how this podcast will become popular. There’s no way it’s just us retards that find this shit hilarious.


These are some classics

Andrew McNulty

My dream would be some B-Dub crank calls on vinyl!

Kalle Kitzler

We should all be like Nicole

Kyle Kozlowski

Still listening but i hope the music store call asking the guy to record in studio is added, one of my favorite calls ever.


fart is way too into the fuck talk

jake h

Richard being confused with the dick size getting smaller is so so funny still.


I wonder who Sherry ended up voting for?



Bob Morrissey

Yall came thru for the Christmas/Holiday podcast lull. Fully appreciate the Patreon for this.

Electric Sox

…all their legs are broken..

Bill Valerio

How big is your cock, Sherry?!