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The first release of POX for Sims 4 is here! We are very excited to share this gorgeous dress with you all and hope you will all enjoy this release 🤗

You can now shop the piece at POX HERE 

Alternate Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/heaven-dress-71351813 

Follow us on instagram to stay updated! @poxceo

You can also see all releases on our Pinterest Board HERE

Clarification: In case yoy missed the announcement, this is not related to my own content but since I am the one converting the pieces by POX I thought you might like it so wanted to share 💖




OOOOOHHHH I just read the post on the POX page. SO that $5 tier is the collab tier. That whole page is for collabs with POX so its not going to be a one-off.


Hey Sasha that page is not for collabs, there has been tons of demand for me to convert SL creators’ pieces so I’m basically converting them and it is their products they already released on SL. I might collab with them in the future like I do with other creators but it is a page just like any other creator’s and yes it will have consistent content so not $5 per piece as that would be too pricey imo


I haven't been on SL for years and I don't even know who POX is. I wish I could preview all of the items before I pledge. So far there's only two pins on the Pinterest board. SL is weird af. You have to TP in world just to see the stuff the creator has.


You can check his existing pieces from his instagram here: https://instagram.com/rhyleii?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Most SL creators post their pieces on instagram or Flickr I believe to showcase them so you can check the link and see everything which will be converted to Sims ❤️