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In this episode, among other things, you'll get to meet the girls at the pool, follow how Carmilla and Leila make a plan for the girls' milk, and experience personal moments with Cora and Kiara.  

Have fun with episode 4!   

Download links:




Note: In the intro scene there is an option to go directly to the new episode.


Hey guys ^_^  

The last two weeks have been pretty rough, as the scenes around Cora and Kiara both grew longer and longer as I wrote them. I think I'll have to adjust that a little better for the next episodes, since Episode 4 is now longer in total than I had intended. I could've just stopped writing, of course, but I wanted to have a rounded conclusion.

Episode 4 now includes:  

3700 lines of code
about 750 unique renders
over 1h of content (measured by my reading speed)

I could only proofread it two times so far, which is why I'm sure there are still a few spelling mistakes hidden in it, but instead of frantically searching further now, I'd rather present you what I've managed to do in the last months since the first release. Thanks a lot to all of you! Especially to those who have been with me since December last year and have been waiting for Episode 4 since then. You rock!   

I sincerely hope you guys enjoy it. Feel free to let me know and best regards! :D

(I'll be taking a bit of a break over the next few days, but certainly not because a particular video game came out today that I want to play....  Okay it's exactly because of this. If you've recognized which game Jane plays in Episode 2 and 3, you will definitely know which game I am talking about xD)



Thanks for the hard work. Been looking forward to this chapter!

Adam Wurstmann

Aw yiss Now I have two new games to play


Loved the episode. Love that Cora and Kiara got lenthy solo scenes with the MC. If they keep growing at this rate they're gonna need completely new wardrobes in no time at all.


Great update! Look forward to every new chapter.


Hands down my favorite visual novel game, has great pacing, many characters while all being interesting, Originally tried it for the fetish content, but am now hooked on the story. look forward to more! keep up the great work. p.s. if can work in some height growth that would be MAGICAL


Looking forward to playing - not working on JoiPlay for Android... maybe this log-trace can help if it's an easy fix.. (OK no adding newlines...) Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',) Set script version to: (7, 4, 11) Full traceback: File "game/gui.rpy", line 418, in script File "renpy/ast.py", line 923, in execute File "renpy/python.py", line 2235, in py_exec_bytecode File "game/gui.rpy", line 422, in AttributeError: 'StoreModule' object has no attribute 'variant' While running game code: File "game/gui.rpy", line 418, in script File "game/gui.rpy", line 422, in AttributeError: 'StoreModule' object has no attribute 'variant'


Kind of a niche issue - but it's so convenient when an Android port isn't readily compiled by the author (especially when not public yet - enjoyed the ported version of 1-3)


Loving this episode, but I have a question, could you for future updates add a download version for the new episode alone? So it's faster to download, then you need to put it in the game folder.


After some work I now managed to create an Android version. On my smartphone it worked, hope it works for you too :)


I think that' s possible. I will try for the future updates. ^^


Thanks! So far works great and was nice n' small to DL.