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Who's the bustiest of them all?

I thought, since Cora won't be appearing for a while, I show you a glimpse of what she does when the MC isn't around. (Which... is the actual idea of the ADITCs) 😅

A quick info on Kiara's date: I made more pictures and now only need "some" more for the more intimate scene at the end of the date. There are 300 of them already.
Kiara's date will probably be the longest yet. I'll keep trying to make it until the end of May, but I might have to postpone it for a week, as I did with Cora's date, because the writing may take too long.

Cheers 😺




Not big enough.


Cora best girl. 😤


Take your time! Would love to see some Mirai content, haven't seen her for a while

Wild Bill

I hope she won't grow too much bigger, they are huge already and she's gorgeous at that size.

Chrona Trigger

Not nearly big enough... She's the one that wants to be big enough to be immobile, if any


Looking forward to the next update for the game.


To be honest, I hope they don't grow much bigger. They're just about perfect at the size they're at now, but I think more growth at this point would start to be a turn-off rather than a turn-on.


I think the other girls will end up being the "moderate" size girls. Cora and Jane seem pretty all in on the growth hype, they will probably be the 2 largest and reach the gigahuge sizes if I were to guess. Coincidentally those 2 happen to be my favorites. lol


Personally, in the poll I voted for immobilized. But really I think that growing to that size temporarily then shrinking back after a couple hours or a day would be the best option (as far as story telling goes). But I think Varlin has it right.

Erik Dehne

im a bigger is better kind of guy. no limit just straight go huge to point of feet off ground big when it comes to chest size.