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Poor Nicole. She wants to spend an afternoon in peace at her parents' pool and then this happens. Hopefully her growth won't get any worse, so that at some point she'll have problems getting through a door frame. 🙊

The poll for Kumi's cosplay went in favour of Tifa. She got slightly over 50% of the votes in both tiers. Kumi will therefore wear a Tifa cosplay in her date.

Hope you're looking forward to it! 😸



Kondri János

We will watch her career with great interest


She can sit on me instead! :D lol


I'm guessing that the chair she is stuck in was actually meant for a child as while her butt is certainly large for her frame, there are many women with much larger butts than her and most adult chairs would be bigger than this. That being said, Nicole has probably sat in this chair in the past and been just fine, but with her recent growth it no longer fits her and she doesn't realize it until after trying to get out of it.


That's pretty funny. Looking forward to more.

