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VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/YG_aGkjHhfg

Hey everyone, it's the first Bonus Dose Day of 2025, and I'm comin' out with a video that really puts the "angry" in "angry humor". You thought you hated certain musicians before? You had NO IDEA how much you really should hate them. Unless of course you think money from your paycheck should be deducted in order to fund their lifestyles? You'll see what I'm talking about in maybe one of the most insane stories that should probably be getting a LOT more coverage than it's getting. Enjoy!

Buckley looks at one of the most overlooked stories of the final days of 2024, in which journalists revealed that musicians including Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, Marshmello, Shinedown, and Alice in Chains took advantage of a government program to pay themselves as much as $10 million (each), claiming it's money they "needed" while the pandemic took away their ability to tour. In short? YOUR tax dollars paid for some pretty ridiculous luxuries for some of these dudes. How'd you eat during the pandemic?

The link as promised: https://www.businessinsider.com/lil-wayne-chris-brown-covid-relief-funds-svog-grant-2024-12


Lil Wayne, Chris Brown and Marshmello Took YOUR Tax Dollars! (Extra Dose)

Buckley looks at one of the most overlooked stories of the final days of 2024, in which journalists revealed that musicians including Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, Marshmello, Shinedown, and Alice in Chains took advantage of a government program to pay themselves as much as $10 million (each), claiming it's money they "needed" while the pandemic took away their ability to tour. In short? YOUR tax dollars paid for some pretty ridiculous luxuries for some of these dudes. How'd you eat during the pandemic? The link as promised: https://www.businessinsider.com/lil-wayne-chris-brown-covid-relief-funds-svog-grant-2024-12


Shaka, When the Walls Fell

Rich people... the true welfare queens of the world. It was same with the PPP loan that was supposed to pay the employees unable to work due to the pandemic. It was pocketed by the bosses, and people still got laid off. Then the rich bastards voted to have that loan forgiven. Skipping away with hundreds of thousands to few million dollars.

Connor Stilwell

Where are you now "Taxation is theft" crew? Or are you only offended by handouts when poor people use it to not die?

Ash Archer

This is absolutely infuriating. And it’s just about time for us to eat the rich.

Megan M

So the discharging of some student loan debt was unreasonable and shut down by the courts but giving millions of free dollars to millionaires for whatever the fuck they want is fine? Wtf…


But what about the immigrants and poor minorities getting free money??!!.........people don't read below the surface at all, pathetic that the rich get richer.


Irony and hypocrisy is strong in America

Grant Potter

My best friend is in the band Osyron. Factor funded their last album. Idk. I don’t think it was a lot of money but a smaller local band, that’s what that kind of stuff is for. This is fucking ridiculous 🤣🤣🤣


Don't get me wrong: no one should misuse taxpayer funds, rich or poor. I just find it laughable and irritating to see people defend famous people who misuse them. And while I haven't seen anyone defend these artists (yet), I wouldn't put it past them.

Chude Uzoka

I'm starting to think that this type of morally repugnant behavior from those who have so much, to exploit a system that was meant to help those that don't, may be the reason why there's a growing populous movement in the world and why people seem to have little empathy when something horrible happens to someone in an ivory tower.

Chude Uzoka

You have to wonder how many lives could be different if every dollar spent on nude women and body paint, actually went towards someone in need.