Bonus #259 - Lil Wayne, Chris Brown and Marshmello Took YOUR Tax Dollars! (Extra Dose) (Patreon)
Hey everyone, it's the first Bonus Dose Day of 2025, and I'm comin' out with a video that really puts the "angry" in "angry humor". You thought you hated certain musicians before? You had NO IDEA how much you really should hate them. Unless of course you think money from your paycheck should be deducted in order to fund their lifestyles? You'll see what I'm talking about in maybe one of the most insane stories that should probably be getting a LOT more coverage than it's getting. Enjoy!
Buckley looks at one of the most overlooked stories of the final days of 2024, in which journalists revealed that musicians including Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, Marshmello, Shinedown, and Alice in Chains took advantage of a government program to pay themselves as much as $10 million (each), claiming it's money they "needed" while the pandemic took away their ability to tour. In short? YOUR tax dollars paid for some pretty ridiculous luxuries for some of these dudes. How'd you eat during the pandemic?
The link as promised: