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“Look, we distribute this milk out to all the coffee shops in the area; those little ones that always hire the good looking women. Then we play the odds. At some point some random with a cell phone is gonna get pictures, or even video, of some hot little barista going all bovine on us, and it’ll go viral. Lots of buzz. The , we get some instagram model to drink some knowingly, on camera, and document the results. Boom - marketed. Down the road maybe we can even market different versions - TF and non-TF. The possibilities are endless!”

More cow girl TFs for you all. I really liked how the milkyness came out on these, particularly growing around that iconic apron there. Hope you all enjoy! At some point in the future, time permitting, I plan to try and do a sequence of the aforementioned Instagram model TFing on camera, likely via selfie. So, keep an eye out! (Though it’ll probably be a little while..)
