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“New to the city she struggled to adapt at first, finding the city loud, crowded, difficult, rude, and…dirty. But as she began to learn her way around the subway, the streets, and the alleys, she began to see the city as a convenience, filled with exciting opportunities and experiences. As she REALLY began to adapt, she found herself calling the city home. She even found a few friends, willing to adapt to the city along with her…”

Some rat lady TFs for you guys. Enjoy! Loooot of images here, but hopefully some good ones! I leaned into the “hardcore” thing here a bit much - let me know what you think!



Rat matt

The one time I want to see a rat. 👍 on the rat tf BTW looks nice


Love the inclusion of the sexier elements and two subjects. A great set!


Thanks! I’m glad the sexier elements and the two subjects came out alright. It was a challenge, for sure, but I was hopeful they’d land with the audience well!


Amazing set ;) love that its multiple characters. That you can see the transformation and that its a bit more "hardcore" ^_^ transformation throug "sexytime" is very hot :)!


Nice, glad you liked it! I have a few more sets that are next up to be posted and I’ve tried to do similar things with all of them - adding in some hardcore when I can! Glad it seems to be hitting the mark, and let me know if it doesn’t!