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Very old post, but I'll answer some questions and compliment you on a pleasant surprise I've noticed. First of all Hi im new and am very happy that you appreciate Black Lagoon, it is sadly a Anime that went below most peoples Radars at the time and still is not being enjoyed by Creators. Sadly as far as I can see, most of the other creators/reaction channels I support straight up skipped it or go with the cookie cutter populist Animes. Naruto, One Piece, Mushoku Tensei, AoT and so on and ignore great ones that tend to be more serious like BL or Saga of Tanya the Evil (one of my favorite anime and Light Novels. The Anime also has my fav Japanese VA as the Main character^^). If you watch ever Tanya, please watch sub the delivery of the lines is way more impactful than the dub :). Sorry about that rambling, to the meat and potatoes. First of all I'm pleasantly surprised that you a, I guess American English speaker can correctly pronounce the letter "ü" :), good job. Second of all as you probably guessed I'm a German, like some of your supporters if I go by their names. Revy was using last episode probably a M79 Grenade Launcher also called Thumper. They got very low recoil so she should be able to fire em one handed no problem :). In regards to your question about the Sub in the German U-boat scene. They speak Japanese. And I would not be a true German if i would not complain about something (its a German stereotype/joke that we complain much, and only if we stop complaining something is wrong) xD, the German accent is bad everywhere (Sub+Dub) and especially Hollywood movies, It's the equivalent to those fake Chinese accents as a comparison. This was maybe a bit harsh but what irks me the most is them switching between Hollywood German accent and normal English it sounds very strange to me. The dudes on the Science vessel are not German Military, those are some Facist/Neo Nazi group. The Outfits are a dead giveaway that those are basically modern Nazis. Afaik the most of our Navy is Destroyers and Coast Guard vessels if I remember correctly the one YouTube video I watched ages ago? So yeah you were correct in the assumption^^. Anyways If you like a bit more serious Anime then I can also recommend "Jormungand", "Gunslinger Girl" and "The Saga of Tanya the Evil" (she is not really evil kinda, the English title is misleading imo). All three are like BL heavy on character development and tend to be a bit more gritty. Have a nice day and thank you for your work.