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Nice choice of the thumbnail


Damn, this was not the way I expected or hoped things would go with them. That was such an uncomfortable scene, even if it did start really sweet and innocent


All of the h scenes in fate are pretty awkward. Feels like a different game when they happen.


Absolutely, and not only that, even parts of tge H scene dialogue felt like it was written by several writers in parts. Some parts just felt so off, even for the narrative they were going for. Ofc, the translations could also be at fault here


Compared to the awkwardness Sabre's H-scene which just did not feel like they fit the characters or story any way at all. I felt that awkwardness of this scene was down to the characters behaving in a realistic way for two people in the situation they were in. Even the attempts at being sweet and thoughtful but getting overtaken by the moment and hurting the other person and getting really mad seemed uncomfortably realistic for two people having their first time together.


The awkwardness makes sense. I think its pretty well written. They are young people and sex can be pretty awkward in real life too. So it makes sense. These are very private moments in peoples lifes and just cause you would behave differently doesnt mean that other people would act the same way as you. These scenes show part of characters that you normally wouldnt see and only come out during private and personal scenes like those. And thats great. So it makes total sense that characters would behave a bit different during those scenes

Twiska Brand

I prefer the relationship and the drama when they have sex. I think it's an important part of the fate route to make Saber and Shirou closer, and I think it needed to happen in UBW to cement them as a couple. But I don't like the characterisation or writing in them. So when I play the game, my headcanon is that they have sex during those scenes, but I don't count the cringy dialogue or Shirou's dickish actions as canon. I can even tolerate Rin being bi and joining in fate, but only if she isn't a virgin in UBW. (Headcanon is she had sex with Mitsazuri at least once, and that is still sex regardless of what Japanese hentai culture says) The scenes are bad because Nasu didn't write them. These early VNs from Type-Moon were indie projects with a small team, and to boost sales, they added sex scenes. Nasu wasn't comfortable writing them, so someone else did. I'm sure if Nasu had written them, they would have been better and would not have felt so out of place. I still think the game benefits from the sex scenes happening, so I really wish we had an R-rated version that includes sex in the story but doesn't get so explicit. But we are stuck with a good, mature game with badly written sex scenes or an overly sanitised PG-13 game. Honestly, I wish the folks at the ultimate patch mod teams would just get some fan fiction writers to rewrite them.