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Reuben Filimaua

Idk why this episode hit abit harder than usual but yeeah its rough. This is definitely the darkest Black Lagoon arc in the anime, and the beginning of Rock's character arc. There's no way none of the craziness in this world would affect you in some way. This show has always been very melancholic and cynical. I don't think the usual Revy ending is unintentional. Underneath all the explosions and crazy gun battles, its a sad life. All these people are content dying in a blaze of glory or off in a back alley somewhere, most likely because they have nothing else to live for. So the twins fit well in this world and their ending was very fitting as well. There's no glory in their deaths, its just.. expected. There is no happy ending in the world of Black Lagoon.


A tough few episodes to watch, but you made it through it. Creepy little traumatized kids, but they were both were important and well written characters. A little unrealistic, but not far from actual occurrences. I'd say never look away from the darkness, but don't embrace it either. Numbing yourself like Benny says is away to go crazier quicker I think.