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HOME INVASION | Fate/ Stay Night [PART 19]

Link to download the Ultimate Blade Works version of the game: https://www.hollowparadise.com/forum/topic/fate-stay-night-ultimate-edition-install/ I have a Patreon! Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/rosematterplays OUTRO MUSIC: 🎈Song : Daystar - SOSO / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=any_Ha0SdX8 - Rainy Day/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMXuuIXdt1A&list=PL_dBrNKgtd9tSenRM6W2RQMx2LULI7v6V&index=38



Hmm, it is quite strange how the game keeps forgetting several events that have happened before. Shiro and Saber already had a conversation about Saber's wish a long time ago, and Shiro knew Saber had a wish of her own. He even knew it was a selfless wish to complete a duty she had failed while alive. Yet not only has RoseMatter forgotten about it, but so has the game as well, since this whole episode treats it as Shiro having no clue about it, nor what her wish could possibly be


tl;dr; og game predates fate/zero by 4 years, so fate/zero (and UBW) is not perfect for cross-referencing to this version, and having watched them out of release order can confuse more than help This is a recurring theme in this LP, but since you playing this AFTER watching Fate/Zero, it is important to realize that Fate/Zero is a prequel story that was made 4 years AFTER FSN. So basically, Fate/Zero is not canon in FSN, since it wasn't even a concept at the time. Also, Unlimited blade works, that reveals a lot of the stuff that is in og FSN, but hidden from the player, was made a full decade later Additionally, not only was Fate/Zero not there yet, but FSN also has many versions with slightly different events, interactions and storylines, even in same paths. Especially the original eroge diverges quite a bit, everything that isn't voice acted is only in the original eroge version, since the voice acting was only made in the later non-eroge PS2 version, there were later combined into one.