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Hey, Patreon! I decided to return to this comic, since it was always intended as a "pre-Christmas" comic... But I lost track of time, getting caught up with the debut of Mamabito's first tickling piece, and didn't realize Christmas is NEXT WEEK!!

I'm gonna slap a real quick background on this one and call it a day, but I wanted you guys to at least see some color before I jump right into it! At least the fun stuff's all colored in now, yeah~?

Until next time, all, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!!




Hey, simple backgrounds may not be elegant but they get the job done. You take care as well!


Yummy 😋

Arrow the Sparrow

Gotta love some Mamabitoes! (No, I won't drop that pun.) Also, the positioning of that mug is hilarious relative to the situation. XD


Don't we all love 'em? :D I think the positioning of the mug certainly helps nail the punchline! Thank you!