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"I’m telling you, it’s totally safe. You just have to stay there for, what, less than an hour? It doesn't take that long. I must admit... I even like it sometimes... The sound it makes when it’s sucking, releasing, and then doing it all over again. It’s not like that, silly! It’s a dumb machine cycle, and it feels cold when I touch the glass, but it’s, I don’t know, it’s milking me, y’know? It’s fucking milking me. I feel a little bit dirty when I’m there, I mean, dirty in a good way, and it gets even more intense when I manage to drink some of it while the machine does all the hard work. You what? Oh! Yes, dear. You definitely should try it. We might even have your size".

* * * 

Hello, there! This is May's extra post, a nice prequel to this month's exclusive painting. This one's an early access image, so I'll post it on HF/tumblr in a couple of days. I hope you like it!

Thanks for the love and support! =^_^=

p.s.: we're getting really close to the 25 patrons milestone! Yay!



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