Jungle party [HQ] (Patreon)
Leto had a fresh, ripe, shiny tomato in her hand when she saw a familiar face walking down the same aisle she was in. Was that...?
"I can't believe I found you here! Epona's cousin and best friend. How are you?"
"Hey, Karissa! Long time no see!" Leto wasn't that close to Karissa in high school. "I'm cool. You?"
They exchanged a couple of news from their personal lives. Karissa was married to a guy she met in college. She knew the whereabouts of John, Kathleen, and everyone else from their class except for Thomas. Did she know Thomasin had transitioned? Leto wasn't sure, but Karissa's initial words echoed inside Leto's mind. Epona was much more than a cousin and best friend back in the day. Karissa was, like everyone else, trying to keep the past safely, well, in the past. Her words faded into the background like white noise. Leto dropped the tomato on the supermarket floor.
"I, uh... How clumsy of me..." She said.
"So, I was telling you about the party we're planning at Kathleen's place. You're welcome to join us too! It's going to be a jungle party. Rawr!”
A jungle party, she said, and then winked. The days passed. Leto wasn’t aware that Karissa was hinting at what kind of party that one would be. It wasn’t a big party. It wouldn’t be wise to throw an orgy for more people than a reasonably small group of friends, but Kathleen expected everyone to attend, and she wanted them to have fun.
“I want them to have fun,” she said to no one.
Kathleen had a beautiful garden in her backyard, but she made sure the party took place by the trees and decorated everything so it would be comfortable for her beastly guests. There was always food, booze, and lube at hand. Kathleen was dressed as a typical, old-school explorer she knew from watching adventure movies. Thomasin wore cute elephant ears and seemed confident. John was so excited that his bird costume made him the largest animal in the house. Also, he did spend a lot of time lifting some weights. Good for you, John. Karissa went dressed in a zebra shirt, but everyone complained that zebras live in the savannas and yada yada, so she took it off in front of everyone, filling the room with joy. Leto had ears and a tail, which made her look cute. Finally, Shola…
“OMG… I didn’t know you’d be here, Shola,” said Thomasin. Shola was Thomasin’s Domme, and Thomasin was Shola’s Sub, but they weren’t used to meeting outside the fetish club.
“Yes, I am. You can call me mistress here as well.” Her voice was calm. “Is it OK with you if we’re together here as well?”
Thomasin’s chin rested on Shola’s index finger for a split second.
“Yes, mistress.”
“Good. They don’t need to know if you don’t want them to. Will you have fun?”
“Yes, mistress. I will.” Thomasin said with a grin.
* * *
Hello there, fellow futa lovers!
October is here! I was super hyped with the poll that turned into this painting. A jungle orgy scene! OMG! I had a wonderful time painting this one, guys! I started it on Corel Painter and resumed it on Krita: Shola and Leto were halfway through, but then I experienced some instability with Painter (I’m not sure if it has to do with my old computer or the app itself, but it was constantly crashing), and then decided to switch gears, so you’ll likely find some hybrid brush marks if you look for them.
Back to our painting! Okay… I’ve been to threesomes in the past (as long as it’s between responsible and consenting adults, I highly recommend it), but have you guys hosted a real orgy before? I haven’t, but it must be so fun! There’s something very soothing but also exciting about watching it. Maybe the beauty is in the eye of the beholder: one of the first sex scenes that hugely impacted me was Caligula’s orgy scene. It’s an old movie, but I simply love that scene. =^___^=
Thank you all so much for the love and support!