The way it slides [HQ] (Patreon)
2210-01-The way it slides.mp4
Hello there, fellow futa lovers!
I started “The way it slides” four days after I finished “The way it rubs.” They’re not a series, and they’re not in the same timeline as our Roll the Dice polls. Nevertheless, they’re part of the same experiment: I wanted to verify if/how my workflow would be impacted by recording my screen with OBS Studio while I paint. I also wanted to check if the software used for painting would make any difference, so “The way it rubs” was done in Krita, whereas “The way it slides” was done in Corel Painter. I didn’t get any significant difference in performance, although different tools usually yield different results, aesthetically speaking. Painting in Krita feels like Photoshop (i.e., it’s a great editing tool). In contrast, Corel Painter is unique in its brush engines, its closest apps being Artrage and Rebelle.
A few words on timelapse creation: Krita has a sleek built-in recording system. However, I found it a bit buggy, so I stopped using it after a few testing sessions. Corel Painter doesn’t have such a tool, so I turned to OBS Studio as a robust solution. It records anything, anywhere, and it’s also useful for streaming, so working with it has been great. I used KDEnlive to concatenate the videos from each painting session and speed them up. I also used it to make those basic edits from the video’s first and last couple of seconds, where the final image and watermark fade in and out. Overall, editing the footage requires less time than the actual rendering time, but that’s OK since the PC is doing its magic while I make a sandwich.
Besides these two illustrations, I haven’t been recording much of my painting, but it should become more frequent in the following months. I’ll soon edit our next milestone here at Patreon. Then, once we reach it, I’ll add the timelapse as an official benefit for those who like to get a glimpse of how I work. Uploading normal-paced footage, as of today, would be very difficult to implement since larger video files require a lot of storage space. It’s too early/risky for me to get a premium Vimeo account or any other solution that’ll allow me to work with such files. =^___^= There’s also a learning curve for video editing, one that I’m willing to climb to bring better content to you guys. I hope you like it!
Thank you all so much for the love and support! Enjoy!