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Well, I heard such requests several times and later on, people even voted to crowd-fund the thing... and I have my gamedev team now.

So-o-o, we gathered up a little - and my guys agreed to make such a thing during pipelines gaps.

So, it will be a fully-rigged 3D model + bones, suitable for animations.

Aka, get it - use it. Big size, so you can downscale it without loosing quality instead of increasing size and get fuzzy textures and angles all over.

All funds we got go purely to modeller and rig spec, I took not even a cent. So be sure, unless model is done - I, personally, get nothing. That's only fair.

When this thing will be done, it will be distributed as a regular good - pretty much contact me, purchase the thing, get the archive with good stuff inside. If it becomes popular, we will, of course, add new designs, not only that one on top, in the picture.

So, stay tuned) If you wish to speed up the process a bit or just support this thing - you can leave a tip, which will be much appreciated - and will go to guys that are working on the thing. You can throw in a tip via PayPal or KoFi, if you feel generous ^^.

PayPal is: steward62@mail.ru  

KoFi is: https://ko-fi.com/kredri

Thy support is much appreciated ^^

PS: original reference: https://sta.sh/023i0vo9djwg



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