!!!DO READ!!!
Or, for heaven's grace, if later on, after months, something will pop up - excuse me, but I asked. My spirit has no sin.
That small artbook I once announced is, actually, sent to processing.
Yup, means - it will be done in flesh, actually ^^. Will include quite a lot from what you see on Patreon, Patreon-based commissions and freebies. Plus a bit of own stuff...
So, to avoid copyright and personal issues, I do ask.
- If you got anything from me, based on Patreon business, and do not want it to be included in the book - do tell via PM, please!
You surely know what was that if you have a picture from me, don't you?
So, do tell before book is printed. Otherwise I can not do anything later on, excuse me - and we will be through this. Because:
a) I honestly asked.
b) You ignored / never read / never cared when I asked, even though it's directly related to your stuff?..
c) Several hundreds of clients went through me through years, I literally can't contact each one individually. Can't even keep them all in memory, physically...
PS: I will announce when book is done and surely will provide boons to those who supported me. From good discounts to fully-free books.
For you are those who made it happen. And got me this far, not less.