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Here’s a little snap I took while getting ready for the Christmas shoot to see how my outfit looked before walking on set.




Of course you look good in any and all forms of lingerie💙. But that's inevitable with a body like yours. 😏 That top is very cute and a perfect shape on your pear figure. Did I ever mention I love pears!? Much more than apples and hourglasses!


Awh thank you! Haha I always call myself a petite pear, so nice to have it confirmed. You haven’t mentioned that to me before but that’s cool. I think my favorite female body shapes are hourglass and pear. I also think petite girls with big boobs and little hips and butts are cute too but I’m not sure what you would call that shape. Maybe inverted triangle? 🤷🏼‍♀️But that implies they have broad shoulders I think, which is not the case in the shape I’m thinking of.