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Hi! In this folder you’ll find two vidoes. One is the partial video of me making lemonade and you’ll see why it’s only partial at the end of it. And then you’ll also see the lemonade taste test video as well! The full video of making the lemonade can be seen on $50 and up tiers.

And don’t worry! You’re not missing out on a great recipe apparently haha. I liked my lemonade! But I was told by others that it was wayyyy to sour hehe. I have always loved super sour candy since I was a child so perhaps that’s why. Cause to me it was just tart. It did give me some nerve pain in the back of my jaw but to me that’s just normal haha. I guess maybe that’s a sign something is very sour even if I don’t particularly notice it aside from that part. So you’re only missing out on me not wearing any panties
 which may be a big deal to you? I don’t know. Maybe it’s not! But point is
 the recipe isn’t one you should follow haha. Just enjoy my awkward self in the video.


10.99 lemonade video - Google Drive


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