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It’s 2023!!✨🎉

What’s your opinion on New Years resolutions? I set goals weather it’s New Years or not so I don’t usually make New Years resolutions, but I did have some goals I wanted to complete anyway so this year I did. Mine are to work out more often and try my best to not take a job that doesn’t pay me what I’m worth again. When I first moved back to LA I took on a nanny job because modeling jobs take months to pay so I couldn’t just expect to move to LA and have a steady income from modeling right away. They take sometimes 3-8 months to pay me for the shoot afterwards. It’s ridiculous. But anyway, because of that I wanted a job in the meantime to pay the bills. I was in a rush too so I took a nanny job that didn’t pay very well. It was only supposed to last until September which is also why I was okay with taking it. It ended up lasting until mid December. I was working waaaayyy more hours than my body could really handle with my health issues plus modeling and Patreon. My goal is to not do that again.

What’s yours, if any?

P.S. I’ve still got about 30 to finish editing as I thought I was finished but missed a bunch! Opps. So $10.99 and 15.99, you’ve got some of your own coming very soon! I didn’t have enough of y’all edited yet to post on your tier.



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